Marion Community School of Practical Nursing


Hi. My name is Mandi. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about Marion Community School of Practical Nursing.. How many do they accept? Is it competitive to get into? Do they have a waiting list? Do they offer financial aid of any kind.. Any information would help.. Thanks

I went to Marion Community School of Practical Nursing 3 years ago. I had to take an entrance exam at the school. Your entrance is based on your scores. No waiting list, but they do have an alternate list. There were 39 in my class. It is a very intense program. You will cover a lot of material in 1 year. I did 650 hours of clinicals. Any other questions?:)

Hi. Thanks for the info. I just wanted to ask you another couple of questions if thats ok. How long did it take you to find out if you were accepted after your entrance test? Since you went to school there if you decided to go and get your a.s.n. would those credits transfer? I called them earlier today and they told me they were accepting 40 starting this fall. Was it the PSB that you had to take? I am going to go to ivy tech and try to take some classes and just keep my options open just incase I didn't get in. Anyways, thanks for answering my questions..

I'm not sure what the entrance exam was called. This program does not require any pre-reqs. No english, chemistry or math. I learned that I was accepted in Feb. after taking the test in Dec. They give tests through May or June. Since I have my LPN license, that is enough to get into a school to continue my education if I choose. Most of the programs that I have checked require a copy of your transcripts and allow you credit for the courses you have taken. Happy to answer any other questions.:)

Hi. Thanks for answering some of my questions. I am trying to keep my options open right now. I am thinking about applying to J. Everett Light and then Marion community school of p.n. and possibly Marian College in indianapolis for their associates r.n. program. But, I also have a daughter to think about she is just a baby and I'm not too sure about what I want to do just thought I would apply and go from there.. By the way, when you went to school there did you go all day? I know at J.E.L. they go monday to thursday 8-12n the first semester and then monday to thursday 7am-3pm second semester. Just curious.. Thanks for answering all of my questions.. :)

Marion community school won't accept any transfer from Ivy tech or any other college - so might just waste your money doing that. You have to retake all classes at mcs. I am not sure what they charge now but you got to pay it all up front at once and no refunds/full time/intense.

Program is about 7500 - up front - FA is available but I don't qualify. They recommend another 3000 for extras. Full time and intense program Monday through Friday. They don't want you to work while in school. Very strict attendence policy. Program is full this year and waiting list is full also. Will have to wait until Fall 2006! They accept no transfer credit for any of your college courses - you have to take everything over - no exceptions. If you have someone who can support you or money reserves it is a great program. But if you are on your own - I would think it would be difficult to manage unless you have a bankroll of money to pay living costs and etc. Perhaps that is why so many are on Welfare to get into the program?

I only have 6 credit hours at ivy tech so, its not like I would lose anything anyways. I have just taken English 111 and psychology so, its not really a big deal to me. My daughter is only 2 right now and I was thinking about waiting until next fall that way she would be 3 by then and I would feel a little more comfortable having someone watch her. Plus that would give me time to hire a nanny to watch her. I am a stay at home mom and my husband is gone 6 days a week and home 1 day a week. He supports the fact that I want to go back to school. Its great that they offer financial aid and my husband and I have just decided that we are going to cut back on alot of extras and start putting that extra money into a bank account for me to go back to school. Whatever financial aid doesn't cover I would have in a bank account to cover. :)

Testing to get into the program begins in November and one a month until February. I paid $6350.00 when I went. I don't remember having a lot of other expenses other than the commute and eating out. They have a kitchen at the school and a lot of the girls carried their lunches. There are other grants available, just check with the school. Some of the students were displaced workers from closed factories and the unemployment bureau footed all of their cost plus gave them living expenses while they attended. Marion General Hospital also gives students scholarships of $1000.00 half way through the school year. All you have to do is write a paper telling them why you need the money. They choose 6 students to award the year that I went. It is a full-time schedule. There were days that I had 5 tests in one day in 5 different subjects. I call that year my lost year, all I did was study!! Hope this helps and good luck with whatever you decide.:)

I don't qualify for their assistance because I have a BS in another area already - don't qualify for government assistance either. Like I said a great program - if the government gives you the money. MGH doesn't give everyone who applies a scholarship either. The school is in the boonies - so you would have to pack a lunch - school lunches are quite expensive IMO. I am considering borrowing off charge cards to pay expenses if I get in there. Don't know how I will pay rent and utilities and food and gas though.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

If you have a little one at home, I would definitely recommend J. Everett Light LPN school. It does take 18 months, but the first semester is only M-TH 8-noon, 2nd and 3rd semesters are M-TH 7-3. And that includes a week off for spring break, and a 6-7 week break in the summer. I had to go there beause I needed the extra day off a week to work, but I would think people with kids would like the slower schedule as well. They accept Anatomy&Physio and pharmacology from Ivy Tech. The program costs about $7,500 and financial aid and/or loans are available. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. I graduated the program Dec. 2002.


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