Marine Corps Reserve & Nursing School

Specialties Government


Has anyone done this before? My mind has been spinning the past couple of months about what branch to join that will also help me with nursing. And what I really want to do is join the Marines. But the Marines don't have their own medical personnel.

Someone suggested I be in the Corp reserves. I am 22 years old, if I join the Corp now with basic and MOS training it would be about 1 year and a half before I carry out my 4 years of service for my MOS. But if I am doing the reserves (Im really not sure how it would work)....I already finished my pre-reqs I just have to finish 2 years of nursing school.....Im assuming that I'll be in the reserves for 2 years after MOS training to finish nursing school, Ill be 25 years old when I'm done with schooling and I can carry out my 4 years of service. So I'll be 29 by the time I can work as a nurse.

I guess my biggest question is, will hospitals hire me if i serve for 4 years after finishing nursing school. I wouldn't have any experience and Im worried I'll forget things.


I really want to join the Marine Corp and I know in my heart of hearts if I joined any other branch I would always wonder how it would have been if I had joined the Corp and regret will lead to bitterness. BUT if you were me, and you were thinking reasonably, leaving out emotion, which branch would you suggest I join? Air Force not included (I know I don't want to join the AF). So Navy, Army, or Marines (I know the Marines are part of the Navy but still different).

This is what I want: A life changing Boot Camp, I want to learn discipline, I want to have a rude awakening to life. I want comradery, as sense of belonging. I want to travel, actually travel the world not just breeze by it (Ive heard the Navy travels alot but mostly only see the shorelines, and the Army has many bases but in the middle of nowhere/remote areas). I want to deployed and get as close as a female can get to the frontline or combat.

This is the hardest decision I have ever needed to make (that sounds pretty lame ,I know), Im exhausted going back forth, forming a plan and then trashing it. Im getting so much information left and right I don't know what to believe, everyone's experiences are all so different and depends on their specific circumstance. Ive talked to multiple recruiters but I don't trust what they say, they are all so biased. Please HELP ME. I know what I want I just want the branch that will get me closest to what I want.

Hello! I am currently a senior in Nursing school, expecting to graduate December 2018. I am going through this exact dilemma right now. I have been thinking about joining the military and after speaking with recruiters from most branches, the Marine Corps is the one I am most drawn to. I am just wondering what you ended up doing? Did you join the Marine Corps? Did you finish nursing school?


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