Mandatory Overtime???

Nurses General Nursing


Our hospital claims they do not require mandatory overtime. WHat is this? We are frequently told that if administration cannot staff the next shift it is considered patient abandonment if you do not voluntarily stay for a double. Can this be done?


Dinner with the executives indeed!

I had no idea the "magnet" designation was something hospitals bought!Is there a volunteer organization that reviews care standards and awards a similar designation? I'd have FAR more respect for that.

On topic of MOT, my hospital tried a variation on that theme a while back- telling us we had to sign up for an extra shift each payperiod. (or maybe it was every other....)

This didn't last long, with rare exception, no one complied.

Shortly thereafter, they also tried to prevent anyone from signing up for overtime "It costs too much!"

of course they couldn't staff that way either!

With such brillant minds in charge of policy in our institutions, it is clear why we are facing the current shortages.

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