Mandated reporting question



I'm a nursing student in my peds rotation, and soon I have a presentation on what happens to a child when it comes to light that s/he's been sexually abused or assaulted (in California). My question is: I know that nurses are mandated reporters, but are nursing students?

Thanks for your help!

Specializes in pedi, pedi psych,dd, school ,home health.

In`Mass, any one who is caring for a child is a mandated reporter (teacher, daycare provider, etc. ) I would say if someone doubts it, they should ask their nurse manager or instructor....but it is better to do something and report than not!

Specializes in NICU.
In`Mass, any one who is caring for a child is a mandated reporter (teacher, daycare provider, etc. ) I would say if someone doubts it, they should ask their nurse manager or instructor....but it is better to do something and report than not!

I know that at summer camps in CA, the policy is that if a junior staff (kind of in the same position as a student nurse) knows something they are required to tell an adult staff who is a mandated reporter. That may be because junior staff tend to be under 18, but I would take it to your clinical instructor.

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