Management Abusing Power and Union Not Doing Anything About It


I am in a very tough situation. I have been a nurse for 4 years and have been working at a specialty hospital in NYC. I am the only nurse in my unit, have no support from the managers and get blamed for the doctor's mistakes. I am constantly being scrutinized and made to feel incompetent by my nurse managers. They constantly call me into the office with one complain after the other, it is non stop and exhausting. They say that I am doing a great job but turn around and write me up.

They gave me several final warnings for documentation due to doctors falling to document and missing dates in insurance forms. I have grieved every single discipline but the professional harrassment never stops, it just gets worse. The Union is now telling me to get a new job elsewhere before they fire me. I luckily have found another job.

Now I don't know if I should quit without notice or give the 4 weeks notice like the Union/HR suggest. The Union also said that my employer can fire me or suspend me even after giving 4 weeks. I feel so lost and professionally violated. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Very Sad Nurse :-(

If you have another job, then go ahead and give the proper notice. There is nothing you can do if the employer screws you over. You are screwing yourself over if you leave without notice, so don't do that. Congratulations on getting a reprieve from this place.

Ok thank you. It is a very unfortunate situation. Never again will I work by myself in a unit because all the blame fall on that one nurse, fault or not.

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