Published Jul 15, 2013
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,980 Posts
Hi! I am an OR nurse with 8 years of experience, and also currently working on my MSN in nursing education. For one of my projects, I am going to be working on designing a course for malignant hyperthermia.
I have a few questions that I would appreciate some insight on:
1. What are the current practices at your facility regarding education about malignant hyperthermia and, if applicable, what changes would you like made?
2. What information/activities would you like included in a course on malignant hyperthermia?
So I guess I'll start by answering my own questions:
1. Currently, we have a computer module to complete that consists of a slideshow and test. The slideshow can be completely skipped, and some people merely take the test repeatedly until they have enough questions correct and pass the test. They do not truly learn and retain any information this way.
2. Information I'd like included would be risk factors, diagnosis, early signs, late signs, treatment. Activities would include a simulation where nurses can actually experience how it feels to draw up Dantrolene in an emergent situation. I've done it once, and there is a reason we have at least 2-3 people working on drawing up syringes.
Thanks for your input!
1,097 Posts
In my 14 years of ICU experience, I've never had any formal education on it. In fact, I never saw it until this past year, and then saw it (distantly) twice. Pretty much learned it on the fly but the slide show plus quiz sounds fine. That's typically the form of education given.