Macomb Community College Nursing 2014

U.S.A. Michigan


Let's share our experiences !!! I just wanted to start a page for those who are getting ready for Macomb Nursing program 2014.

I actually applied this year(2013) for the first time. Unfortunately I was't accepted, but I am hoping to be accepted next year! I want to share my experiences, and meet people who are also applying.

I have completed all the prerequisites, and I plan to retake the Hesi test sometime this year.



It was also 60 ish i believe

Hang in there everyone! We are so close to knowing! I left a voice message for the person in enrollment who gave me her phone number. Hoping she will call me back, but with how busy they are, not counting on it. If she calls me back I will post what I learn from her:). On Friday she said letters would go out Monday, so hopefully they are still on track. Have a good day everyone!

I just left the enrollment office...i was getting my respiratory rank and she tried looking up my nurs but it wasn't in system yet. But did confirm thwy went out today

So does that mean we should for sure get them tomorrow?

Prob so...but nothing is for sure with these year's process lo

Just got the call from my contact in enrollment! Letters went out today! We should start to see them in the mail as early as tomorrow or Wednesday. Yeah!!!!!!

So nervous im just ready watever its gona be will be final stretch good luck everyone

@alayna when you checked the RT rank... did they give it to you? and do you know how many people were accepted?



OMG I'm soooooo nervous. I have butterflies galore and literally cannot think about anything else!! I'm surprised that there's not more of us on this thread, in the previous years there were a lot more posters... I'm hoping this is a good sign!

I'm never going to be able to sleep tonight!

I wish my mail didn't come so late! It comes around 4 sometimes even later. I'll be anxious all day tomorrow

I have a feeling the letters won't come until Wednesday. I'm hoping I'm wrong but if they were sent out today, the earliest would be wednesday.

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