Published Sep 15, 2011
5 Posts
i plan on attending lvn school @cci ventura,california spring semester 2012. i plan on doing the LVN-RN BSN bridge but im somewhat lost as to what to do. do i go back to community college and get all my general ed's and transferable credits to transfer to a RNBSN program/university?? HELP?!?!?!?!?!!? :uhoh3::uhoh3:
198 Posts
It's good to have a plan...but take one thing at a time. Many things will change between now and then and your plans will change too. Concentrate on getting through the first phase and then you can decide. don't rush have time.
176 Posts
i graduated from CCI spring 2011. Wanted to transfer to obtain my RN but i needed a couple classes (pre-req's) to be able to apply. You will need to most likely to take pre-req's but it also depends where you are trying to enroll. If im not mistaken most RN programs require the core classes especially science (micro, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, etc.) Look into to it but steady yourself. Do one thing at a time because you are at risk of burning yourself out. Graduate, study your NCLEX, and WHEN you pass then you can decide if you'd rather work as an LVN to gain experience or go straight into an RN program. But keep in mind all deadlines and their requirements. Goodluck!