Published Dec 18, 2010
115 Posts
Hello All,
After two years of attending community college part-time while working full-time as an LVN, I am officially DONE (!!!) with all of my LVN-RN pre-req's! Now that I've passed that hurdle, I need to start submitting applications -- but even this seems like a complicated process (each school wanting something different, constantly changing what's required, TEAS testing, etc).
I have made a list of schools near me that accept the pre-req's I currently have and would like to apply to all of them in order to increase my chances of getting in somewhere... These schools are:
Santa Ana
El Camino
LA Harbor
LA Southwest
LA Trade Tech
I hope this doesn't sound dumb, but how do I go about applying? Do I just print off the applications from their websites and mail them in, along with official transcripts, during their application filing periods? Or should I first schedule appointments with counselors at these schools to double-check that I meet the minimum standards to apply? Should I apply in person instead of through the mail? Then, once the application is submitted, do I follow-up with phone calls or just sit around and wait to hear something?
Also, most (if not all) of these schools require the TEAS test. Am I expected to have that done before applying, or is that done further along in the application process? I am already in the process of applying to another school (not listed) through my employer, and they require the TEAS, version 5 -- will this be accepted by all schools, or might they each want a different version?
If you've recently been through the application process, please advise! Thank you! :)
200 Posts
im at LAHC as an lvn-rn bridge student. You must have your core pre-reqs done, and then enroll in the lvn-rn transition courses.(1 semester and very easy). Once you pass with "c" or better, they invite you to take the teas. If you pass you will receive your welcome email to begin the program.
This was my experience at LAHC. It was very simple for me and I am not a strait "A" student like many.
The teas was very basic math, english. The science was gross. Know your earth science because I didn't and thank goodness my english score averaged me up big time.
Good luck 2 u
Thank you, Caffeine! I hope my experience with Harbor is as easy as yours was -- I'll have to report back here what I find!
I'm going to try contacting their nursing department next week to see if they will be offering a transition course during the Spring semester.
Good luck to you, too! It must be exciting to be so close to finishing your RN :)
255 Posts
i'm in the same position as you are! i'm also a lvn trying to get into any of those bridge programs.
unfortunately, santa ana isn't accepting any more lvns..