Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


Specializes in N/A.

Hi I recently started LVN school and I’m freaking out, I’ve always wanted to do Nursing but I’m really nervous about clinicals and if I’ll be good at patient care  or if I’ll even like it...I was interested in Sonography but for some reason my gut was telling me to stick to nursing but now I feel confused and stressed if I even made the right decision...

Hey it's several days since you posted but hopefully you'll read this. I think the way you're feeling is very typical of new students. I've been in healthcare for many years and I felt the same way about clinicals. I wasn't worried about direct care or med pass but whether I would be competent at any procedures or IV meds- we usually fear what we don't know.

I can tell you that for most of us, it's not as bad as we feared and it goes fast! I'm graduating in about a month and it's hard to believe it's almost over. 

My advice for clinicals is: Listen to and be respectful of your instructors. Don't get caught up in complaining about the program with classmates because it's easy to do when everyone is cranky and tired but believe me, the instructors will hear you. Be willing to help out in any way that you are allowed to (don't do things without clearing it with your instructor though). Remember the nurses at your clinical site are busy and do not get paid to teach students so we should appreciate when they take the time to explain stuff and take us along to see things. 

That's about it. Good luck!


Specializes in N/A.

Hey FashionablyL8! Thanks so much for the advice...I’ve been chatting with my classmates and they have all expressed they are nervous but excited as well, so at least I’m not the only one in my class that’s nervous. You’re totally right though, it’s the unknown we fear...I feel like it’ll be tough at first but once I start to get the hang of it I’ll enjoy it more and more! Thank you again for responding and showing support, it’s always encouraging to know and hear from others on the same journey! Congratulations on graduating soon!! 

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