LVN from CA moving to TX


Hi, im relocating to TX. I know the process is long but im worried about losing my money. So my question is, is applying for verification request online via Breeze faster and more efficient? TX had me download a request form for CA to fill out and stamp. Can I just upload that request letter on the Breeze and pay the $75 fee? Has anyone successfully done it this way?

Thank you

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

What part of Texas are you moving to?

Are Texas and Ca compact states? Sorry I just look that up....I hope so

Best wishes for a smooth process...


Specializes in Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine.

I've never had to endorse my license. I am from Texas and can tell you for applying to licensure they're really not that slow. 1-3 weeks to process everything is about standard here as long as you send in all the required paperwork the first time. I personally wouldn't pay a third party to do it for me but like I said, I've never had to endorse.

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

Ok, I'm awake now, unfortunately Ca. Is not compact With Texas....

I would take the advice of prior poster, and not go thru a third party....

I spoke to the CA and TX board after a long hold. They confirmed that I need verification and need to follow my previous states process. I decided not to mail it and pay the fee to verify via Breeze. CA does not need the TX document uploaded only the correct address of tx BON.

Now I have a temp license. The nurse exam was an easy open book.

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