Published Jul 17, 2010
5 Posts
Hello All Nurses,
I'm making a career switch to nursing and am currently in an LVN program and am looking at the LVN to BSN Bridge that's approved by the State (the only online course approved). All the threads I've found here seem to be at least 2 years old with regard to Calif's programs , so, is anybody currently enrolled or had any experience recently? This really does seem like the best option for me, but I'm wondering if I can find some of my own study materials and clep classes on my own - and where would I do that (and does ISU accept this???). I'm a returning student, with some college classes from 27 years ago (I didn't finish due to kids/marriage/job etc), I'm a real newbie at this:uhoh3: - any help would be appreciated....
I did speak with the TCN rep and will be meeting with him, but would like to get additional info from NON sales personnel. I'll certainly post and share any information I receive....
Thanks for taking the time to read,
Pennie :)
38,333 Posts
Hope you are aware from reading here that going through TCN is not necessary. You can save money by avoiding them. Also, one of the bigger problems seems to have been that people could not find preceptors or clinical sites once they were already in the program. Make certain you have this requirement clear in your mind and have made appropriate efforts to insure you will be able to complete your courses. Some have said that the school is less than helpful or empathetic about the student who can not get a preceptor or a clinical site. So be careful. If you live in SoCal, you might want to consider WGU: Online University | Online Degree | Accredited Bachelor's and Master's Degrees WGU provides the clinical sites for their students (one of them is Cedars-Sinai in LA). You might find their program easier to deal with in the long run, and they have absolutely nothing to do with any publishing companies out to get your money.