LSUHSC vs Bryan College for Nurse Anesthesia?


I got into both LSU and Bryan College in Lincoln Nebraska and am trying to figure out which to choose. Both sounded like they had great clinical experience: over 1000 cases, wide variety of cases, experience with all CRNA groups. LSU is more costly for out of state tuition ($15,000 more), both are doctorate programs. LSU sounded like you might get more chances to do bigger cases. Bryan didn't have as many central line placements but did have smaller class size and much more peripheral blocks. Any opinions out there which you would choose?

Congrats! Sounds like both programs have a lot to offer. Is either closer to your home or family/friends? Would you rather have more experience with central lines or regional blocks when you graduate? Also, did the program faculty seem nicer and/or more organized at one place or the other? You are going to have to deal with them for 3 years lol.

Go to Bryan College. LSUHSC accepts 45 students (that's a huge CLASS!!), your clinical sites are all over Louisiana and Mississippi (some are good, some are so-so, some are bad), and it's super expensive for those coming from out of state, like yourself. I would encourage you to read online reviews of both programs. The reviews posted on the internet about LSUHSC are very accurate.

I just got accepted into LSU. Is it really that bad? Did you graduate from LSU? I'm a little scared now í ½í¸


As I said, seek out the reviews of LSUHSC independently. Be hyper vigilant of what others are saying about any CRNA program you choose to attend. CRNA school is very scary, some schools are more scary than others. Reading reviews of your top choice school will make you a well informed student, prior to orientation.

What did you decide happyoxide??

Neither are close to my family. Bryan's interview seemed way more organized. It was 4 hours long compared to 1 hour, you met all the staff and really got a sense of their program. It was hard for me to judge how many bigger cases you might get at LSU vs Bryan. LSU has a significant attrition rate as well which is concerning. I'm also trying to consider the job market afterward. I'm leaning more towards Bryan at this point.

Thanks MurseMan89. I did further research online and you are right. It seemed to be my suspicion before but I wasn't sure. In interviews both schools sell themselves like they are good programs. Byran's students though really had a confidence about getting solid clinical experience and I was wondering about the attrition rate at LSU, now reading forums I know why. Thanks again.


I was wondering about the attrition rate at LSU, now reading forums I know why

Happyoxide, can you tell me why LSU has the attrition rate it does? I'm currently in their program and even I can't conclusively answer that question.

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