LSSC Fall 2017


Anyone here apply to Lake Sumter State College for the Fall 2017 nursing program? I plan on applying for the 2018 class and was wondering what everyone's stats look like.

The school website has past admissions scores for the hesi and gpa in their information packet if that would be of any help. Of course since it is a community college, it gives preference to those living in the region.

I have a 3.35 GPA and a 93.5 hesi score and was accepted. My letter came today. It just has a few dates and deadlines with a process for fingerprinting ($120). I went to school here and live in the area which helps.

Thank you for responding and congrats on getting accepted! I have looked at previous years stats on their website. My main concern is my GPA. I will be sitting at the lower end according to the previous years acceptance stats.

Specializes in BSN, RN, CNOR.

Hey tdm1482! I was accepted into the program in June and I start next week (Monday the 21st). I have a 3.8 GPA, made a reasonable score on the HESI (87), passed all of my science classes with an A. If you pass your main science courses with an A or B (A/P 1 and 2, Micro, Biology, Nutrition), those are extra points towards your admission. If you live in Lake County, that's another point towards your admission. Its 40% HESI and 60% GPA. Take the HESI as soon as you can. I work in the Learning Center there as an Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Biology, math, and HESI Nursing Entrance Exam tutor and can let you borrow the HESI study guide. There is also one available in the library. You will have to attend the orientation, then apply. They will tell you to get CPR/AED certified, turn in your shot records/update your shots (if you decline the influenza shot, be ready to wear a mask during clinical and not be able to do certain things like in the ICU----Just get the shot!). You get your uniforms from Meridy's, they are comfy and cute, but run SUPER big. My advice is if you don't have a job, get one now to start saving up, because the books are very expensive. You'll need to remember you Elsevier Evolve username and password when you take the HESI, so write it down somewhere. You'll be using the Evolve account throughout the program. If you have any questions or need help, come see me in the Learning Center. Good luck!

Thank you for all the info! I think the HESI testing begins next month and they haven't listed the orientation dates for the next class yet. How is the program going so far?

Specializes in BSN, RN, CNOR.

It's going great! It is stressful, which is expected. The instructors are wonderful and are there to help you. The labs are a lot of fun. We have an exam every week and a math quiz every week (pulled from the Math for Health Related Profession book in MTB). We have clinical check-offs are almost every week as well. So far, I have been checked off on performing vital signs and a physical assessment. There are long days and long nights and everyday is a study day, but it's nursing school. I found out to pass an exam you must make an 84, I previously thought it was an 80, I believe it was changed this semester. I suggest getting some letters of reccomendation now, you will need them for your portfolio in the first semester.

For your oreintation, they will just tell you that you do not want to go into this for the money and some information on what you need to make on the HESI, your class grades, and how to get in basically. Take a lot of notes! Good luck!!

I'm reviving an old thread looking for some answers. I've got my application in so now I just wait. Those of you currently in the nursing program at LSSC, what does your typical schedule look like? How early/late are the hours? 5 days a week, right? Trying to figure out what days I would be able to work. Thanks!

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