Published Nov 15, 2005
3 Posts
i live in Central/Northern Jersey and i graduate in March with my LPN. I really want to enter an LPN to RN bridge program, does anybody know of any in the jersey/nyc area? or where to look? thanks
NJNursing, ASN, RN
597 Posts
Try your local community college first and branch outward from there. Also if you're working for a hospital after you get your LPN, go to human resources - they could probably tell you if they're affiliated with any other colleges in the area.
And a google search of X-county colleges would probably turn up all the colleges in your area. Nearly every college has a website these days and you could see if they've got an LPN-RN program. It's a little legwork, but still pretty easy.
10 Articles; 19,009 Posts
state board of nursing has list of all approved nursing programs. info found under threadnj nursing links