Published Jun 7, 2018
SAMc0515, BSN, RN
29 Posts
Hello everyone!
It has been awhile and I thought that maybe I should give an update.
The job I was doing in my first post I am no longer doing. I was at first a second shift LPN in a long term wing of the facility I worked at. After about 6 months, I was able to move up to first shift. A few months later, I had the privilege of moving from the long term wing with nearly 20 residents to the rehab side with 10. I worked there from July 2015 to May 2017. Along the way, I worked for home health for 6 months. I then applied for a supervisor position in May 2017 at an assisted living facility. I also entered into an LPN to RN transition program in May 2017. In June 2017, I began working in a hospital (I had been applying for hospital positions for awhile to get experience but kept being denied. I ended up applying for an extern position and when I went in for the interview, the manager hired me as an LPN because it would be an easier transition to RN). In January 2018, I left the supervisor position at the assisted living because I was entering my final semester of nursing school! I graduated May 3, 2018 (as #1 out of 27 of us with a 3.8 gpa!). I have scheduled to take my NCLEX-RN already and will continue to work as an LPN at the hospital until I pass.
For study tools, I am using Lippincott's Alternate Format Questions for NCLEX-RN, Kaplan's NCLEX-RN Prep Plus 2018, the ATI Comprehensive NCLEX-RN book, and Picmonic 4 week study plan. I am also using online ATI website and Kaplan online.
So this is just an update and I'm asking for prayers!
Sabrina, LPN
Davey Do
10,651 Posts
Well, for one, Sabrina, I am not only impressed with your energy, drive, devotion and stamina, but also your ability to concisely put three years of your life in one paragraph!
Good luck and the very best to you!
í ½í¸‚Thanks! People always say I'm short winded and straight to the point. Living up to it still lol