Great Pharmacology Textbook

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology by Marilyn Edmunds

I had this book during school. It was not chosen by the professors. I had a horrible instructor for a 6 week pharmacology course and she chose a horrible textbook. Too hard to understand the concepts in such a short time. I went to in a desperate moment and typed in 'nursing pharmacology' and this text came up. I ordered it used, so I only paid about $3 for it, but it helped me through school and I still read it now for support. This book was written specifically to be 'reader friendly' and does not load you down with unnecessary information. It is part of the LPN Thread, books specifically for us (although I do believe that RN students would benefit from it as well). Also, another text by the LPN thread that I purchased (even though I have been out of school and practicing for 9 months) is: Foundations and Adult Health Nursing by Christensen and Kockrow. This book includes the ENTIRE LPN cirriculum from Fundamentals, Adult Med-surg, Pediatrics, Psych and Women's Health. I wish my school had this entire text while I was there. Again, it is LPN friendly, an easy read and has a CD ROM that includes heart and lung sounds, video clips with nursing skills, animations and such. An older edition of this book was used for RN refresher courses from what I have read.

I feel that these books are worth mentioning for both, the student as well as the practitioner because for one, it is all combined, and you don't have to refer to different textbooks for information and also, to reintroduce the practitioner to things that are forgotten about. Even if you purchase used editions, it may be worth the money to have in your nursing library! Just wanted to pass the word, folks!

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