Published Feb 2, 2012
indygirl526, ASN, RN
32 Posts
I just passed MN boards for LPN and have applied for my ND license. I want to continue on for BSN and am wondering if anyone is in North Dakota and can recommend an online program. I live in ND
LadyinScrubs, ASN, RN
788 Posts
Go to your state's BON. They should have nursing schools authorized in your state.
If you want BSN there is NDSU, for RN (associates) Rasmussen college has their's online I believe. Presentation College is BSN online. I live in Fargo, ND.
Lol too funny I just replied to my own post from 2012! An update I graduate from NDSU with my BSN in
WonderousIvy, BSN
156 Posts
Did you do it online or on campus? Would it be a doable program for someone that lives out of state?