Looking for some support


Specializes in Mes/Surg, Rehab, Ortho, ALF admin, Hospi.

Been with Hospice for 2 and a half years, LOVE this work. Seems as though management is in the dark about what we can handle SAFELY and then for our own health and well being. I recently had an anxiety attack, so bad I went to the ER. Am I crazy, or just burnt out? I have NEVER second guessed my judgment so much in my whole career! Laid my cards on the table with my manager, gave a fair amount of Pt's that I could SAFELY see in one day and an emergency if it came up, and it seemed like my health or mental well being wasn't even a thought (basing that # truly on Pt safety). My B/P was 180/94 people! I need some (compassionate) advice.:crying2:

Specializes in L&D, PACU.

I've heard that complaint before in hospice. In fact, I tried hospice for a whopping two months, and decided my license wasn't worth the risks my particular administration pushed. I do know, however, that not all hospice companies are the same. Some are better. That being said, Medicare is reducing its funding for hospice, which is going to mean the hospice companies are going to be pushing even harder. The best one around here has private funding, from several grants and bequests. Their nurses work sane schedules with sane patient loads. Pt safety is of course a huge concern. Your health and welfare is also a priority. Take care of yourself. Do what you need to in order to enjoy your life and stay healthy.

Specializes in COS-C, Risk Management.

Is your hospice a for-profit or a not-for-profit? IME, the NFPs are a little better to work for, but with Medicare funding cuts, we're all going to have issues soon.

Specializes in Mes/Surg, Rehab, Ortho, ALF admin, Hospi.

thank you, and yes...Medicare is hitting us NFP's hard! but that statement non for profit...it seems like an oxymoron...even in Hospice. I became a nurse because I truly LOVE my patients, this is getting crazy!

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