Looking for Midwifery career info


Hi, I'm in an accelerated BSN/NP program as a FNP student, but the program also offers a masters degree in midwifery, which i am currently considering. however, i would like to check out salaries and have found that different online sources vary widely in their reports of what CNMs make. also, i'd need to know how easy or difficult it would be to get a job where i'm living now (NYC) and in the places i'd like to be soon (New Orleans or the general south). i'm also curious about how much insurance will set me back, if it would be more than what an NP would pay, etc. is there any reliable place where i can find this sort of info?


You can begin by looking and asking questions under the Nurse Midwife forum under advanced practice in the specialties tab. They might have some reral world info for you.

Also, the ACNM web site is very helpful. They have tons of job listings that will give you an idea of where CNM's are in demand. Just google it-American College of Nurse Midwives

You may want to examine your feeling about what is drawing you to midwifery. You may have the option of working in different settings- hospital, birth center, home-and each setting has different answers as far as job availability and salary which will again vary upon where you are geographically.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

Moved to Certified Nurse Midwives forum....hopefully more answers here. :)

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