Published Jun 27, 2010
3 Posts
hey guys,
im a nurse from germany, knowing that my degree wouldnt be accepted to work as a RN in a hospital in USA, I'm looking for other possibilities.
I would like to get experience in "hospital live" in america, maybe thinking about to move to usa to become a RN.
Life is expensive, so I'm looking for a hospital who can gimme a room and maybe getting a bit of money for food.
I know from a german friend that a hospital called isabella in washington heights is offering something like that, but I have no idea.
if u got any information, pls let my know, eventually as private message.
THX greetz Jeannette
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
You may have issues as many people are struggling to find work in the US and you will have issues finding a work visa allowing you to do this as well as the hospital will need to prove that they can not find anything locally to work
Are you sure your degree wouldn't be accepted? Have you tried registering with the NY BON and get CVS done. To work as an intern you will probably find you need a license.
Also just to add you will be affected by retrogression and currently you will be waiting several years for a immigrant visa and even if you are already in the US on another type of visa you currently can not change your status to stay. You will not meet H1b requirements as you need a BSN for that.
before I wanna immigrate I wanna see how it is to work in the us.
so far I know that u need to find a company (whatever job u r applying to) that allows u to work at their company and give u admission, with that admission u can apply for a short term working visa.
I dunno, but I'm not worried about the working visa...
Just need to find a hospital which would accept my application and gimme the opportunity to have a look at their work. I dunno which position I would get, probably LPN ... but I still need them to offer me a place to stay. NYC is too expensive.
before I wanna immigrate I wanna see how it is to work in the far I know that u need to find a company (whatever job u r applying to) that allows u to work at their company and give u admission, with that admission u can apply for a short term working visa.I dunno, but I'm not worried about the working visa...Just need to find a hospital which would accept my application and gimme the opportunity to have a look at their work. I dunno which position I would get, probably LPN ... but I still need them to offer me a place to stay. NYC is too expensive.regards
Not sure what you mean by short term working visa?
You will really struggle to find something like this. Currently many many US nurses are struggling to find work. As a LPN you will not be able to get a work visa. For a H1b visa the nurse needs to be a BSN and it is a specialist visa so a new grad generally will not meet requirement. If they can offer you a place to stay then they have to offer the same conditions to US nurses and reading the various forums that just doesn't happen. Yes NYC is very expensive to live in but you coming from outside the US is supposed to be able to support themselves not expect the hospital to do it.
You should be worried about a work or immigrant visa because that is what you will need to be able to stay and work in the US.
Moving this to the International forum because you really need to take the time and research because the way you are looking at things is in the current situation not going to work