Published Oct 31, 2007
GoBucks RN
10 Posts
I just passed the boards and am finally an RN.
I am not currently working anywhere, and have no obligation
to any facility.
Any suggestions on hospitals that are a good place for new grads.
Any websites which specifically list jobs for new grads?
I am in Northwest/Midwest Ohio, but would be willing to relocate if
the situation where right.
Go Bucks
147 Posts
As a new grad RN you should have your pick of almost any position out there. You just need to start applying to the places that interest you the most. I live in SW Ohio, so I am not familiar with what is available in the NW part of the state. I do know that Miami Valley Hospital is in great need of RNs and they are offering significant sign-on bonuses. If you google it, you'll come up with a website addy. Hope that helps!
5 Posts
I am a new grad as well, I just started my first nursing job with Ohio Health in Columbus Ohio. Ohio Health has several hospitals in the Columbus area and is opening a new hospital in Dublin Ohio (NW Columbus suburb). I am very pleased with the amount of training that I am being provided. I am in their internship program which includes classroom study once a week in addition to the 12 week of preceptorship. It may be worth your time to check out the website and see if anything interests you.
Good luck with your search.
Thanks for your input
Any and all information helps when trying to decide where to
go for your first job
Thanks again