looking for feed back from excelsior RN's in PA


Hey excelsior independent thinkers I am so happy to have an arena to speak with you! I live in northeastern PA and have just completed the Excelsior ASN program, I am currently awaiting my graduation paperwork so I can register for the NCLEX. I would be interested to hear from anyone in my area that has graduated from the program as far as if you had any negative feedback from potential employers when applying for your first RN position? I believe Excelsior is an excellent program and prepares graduates excellent RNs, but i have gotten some small minded individuals who question its merit. I have just been wondering if I will have to face this when I interview for positions. I have been an LPN for three years working in longterm care and rehabilitation. Any info will be appreciated. Thank you

I am not from the PA area but my friend who graduated from Excelsior was. She got a hospital job in PA easily and told me that the person who interviewed her was aware of EC and very impressed with the program, thus hiring her just like that. I have never heard of anyone having a problem. I would not say anything about my school. Just emphasize the license and any previous work experience. No reason to bring attention to the fact you graduated from EC, unless they bring it up. Then, be proud of your accomplishments. My opinion. Good luck on the NCLEX!

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