Published Sep 19, 2012
623 Posts
I have just started a new job on evening shift in a LTC home. Of course being the new employee I understand I might have to work Thanksgiving. My son, who lives in West Palm Beach, Fl. will be flying in for Thanksgiving for 3-4 days. I haven't seen him in almost six months and want to be able to spend at least one full day with him while he's here.
Should I ask the Administrator if I can have the day off before or after Thanksgiving? Or at least make sure I get a full day off while he's here? I can see if anyone will switch day shift for evening shift with me, or even ask someone to switch holidays with me but don't know if anyone would be willing.
The Administrator hasn't made the schedule for November yet of course, but I wanted to get a jump on it before she does.
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
It's very odd that the administrator makes the schedule. If Thanksgiving is more important to you than Christmas, perhaps you could ask for the day or switch with someone who doesn't care so much about Thanksgiving, but really wants Christmas off.
She does, and it has caused a lot of confusion and has run some darn good nurses and CNAs off. She will schedule a nurse 5 or 6 days on with one day off, and 2 or 3 days on with one day off. The schedule is all over the place so nobody knows what to expect. Nurses and CNAs end up exhausted and leave for "greener pastures."
The other nurses on 3-11 on the floor I work on (there are 3 floors) are not interested in taking Thanksgiving off. They are requesting Christmas since they have small kids, so I will probably get Thanksgiving off anyway (Praying).
I put in a request to the DNS after my shift this evening to cut back to 8 days per pay period ASAP for personal reasons. Hopefully it will be approved since that's just 2 days shy of the "normal" 10 days per pay period, plus I can keep my benefits by staying over 60 hours.
egglady, LPN
362 Posts
where I work, if a holiday falls on our scheduled day to work, we work. We have set days off. I have had the same position for years. It makes it nice to put in for vacation....but, I missed most christmases with my kids. In fact, missed alot. You learn to compromise. If I worked until the 27th of december, guess what, santa came to our house the night of the 28th. I always have worked thursdays. That means thanskgiving. so now, we do thanksgiving at suppper time. I get to enjoy my family after work. In nursing it is all about compromise. I do hope you get your day off, because it does suck to miss out on things. but yet, you will miss out on things. that is the sucky part of nursing!
157 Posts
I agree with what previous posters stated.
I just recently (2 months) started a floor nurse position in LTC and during the hiring process (July) I was worried about my mother's birthday in August which we have been planning for a couple of months already. I asked for it off the second I was offered the position.
Ask for it. The worst that can happen is they say no. In this case, it seems like there are a couple of different days you would be pleased with, so just explain the situation and let them know it doesn't have to be Thanksgiving day, but one of the few days your son is in town. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to work with you.
Good luck!
Turns out I don't have to worry about it right now afterall