Lonestar college nursing entrance questions


Hi everyone I am so glad that i found this site. From the time i get out of bed to when I lay down nursing school is all I can think about. I have a few questions! One is a and p :( I took it and failed now am retaking it, of I make an A will that be all that matters? I know they take the gpa of psyc eng and a and p, just hope they do not take total gpa. Also when Is it beat to start the hep b short? I am applying after the summer and praying i get into either location!! Thanks guys

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Your most recent grade is all Lone Star considers, so right now you're basically working with a clean slate :). If you have to have the first shot done by the application deadline, you might as well get it over with as soon as you're ready. Best of luck to ya!

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