Published May 26, 2010
1 Post
Good day,
I was wondering if anyone who has applied to Loma Linda's Generic BSN program due to start this fall has heard anything one way or the other? I understand that they allow you to apply when you still have classes in progress, so that is the only reason I am even able to be partially grounded about the process right now. I would hope because they allow people to apply with in progress classes, that they wouldn't exclude these people before grades post.
Hopefully they are delaying because of said reason, however I decided to get on the web and ask around. Surprisingly there are no other threads dealing with this particular circumstance.
28 Posts
I also applied for Fall 2010 generic program. I had an interview last month and they said they wouldn't be sending letters out until June sometime.
I talked to the lady today and all the letters have been sent out. So you should recieve one anytime!
52 Posts
I applied to Cal State and they let you have classes in progress as well. We will not hear anything for Fall 2010 acceptance to the BSN program until July. Good luck to you and me both!