Lights Out

I had just finished my orientation as a new rn and had passed my boards only 3 months previous to this experience. I work in a 40-bed neuro/ telemetry unit at a local community hospital. Many of the "seasoned" nurses had assisted with numerous procedures at the bedside with the cardiology doctors and had me observe their role. This was going to be my first time going solo for cardioversion. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

Lights Out

I was double-checking equipment and medication. Everything had to be set up for the doctor to their specification. The doctor entered the room and asked me what nurse was going to assist. I told him that it would be me and that the charge nurse was going to be coming to observe me as this was my first "solo" cardioversion. The anesthetist entered the room at this point. I thought "great! I hope I have the right paperwork and the equipment is working correctly".

The doctor then introduces me to the anesthetist "this is Sara a new RN and she is a virgin at cardioversions" I about fainted on the spot! The patient now looks over and says "will I be okay with a new nurse?" the doctor assures them that everything will be fine and that my job was just to document and take care of them after the procedure. I just knew that I was shaking on the outside as much as I was on the inside by this time!

My charge nurse entered the room and began talking with the doctor, oblivious to the earlier conversations, and stated they were ready to watch me assist. The doctor gave the "okay" and sedation medication was given to the patient.

Now understand that I had watched several cardioversions in the past and knew the procedure that was going to be taking place. I just had not noticed a patient's eyes remaining open after the medication had been given. The anesthetist was standing between the patient and the window at the time of administering medication. The patient was looking out the window and as the anesthetist walked away the patient continued to look out the window. At this time the only thing I heard was "lights out!" from the anesthetist. The doctor turned to the bed, the charge nurse nodded in my direction, and I, having to make sure everything was going to be just so, reached over and turned off the lights.

My charge nurse turned around and says "oh no, don't shut the lights out for this!" and the doctor looks at me and says "wow, you really are a virgin!" I know that even with the lights out my face was glowing bright red!

Since this incident, the doctor has not forgotten my name and every now and then they will mention "glad the lights are not out today". My charge nurse could not wait to tell others on the unit what had happened. I was afraid that I would become the laughing stock of the unit but quickly found many of my peers telling me some of their most embarrassing moments too. There are still many laughs on the unit about this and any procedure I have to prepare for now someone will remind me whether or not to turn the "lights out"!

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That was freakin' hilarious! Thanks for sharing. This is something that would happen to me. I just hope it dosen't. LOL

LOL OMG same here...I would probably do something like this too...anytime I'm really nervous about something (and I think that's anyone), I do really really stupid nonsensical things lol...thanks for sharing