Life, kids, work AND Nursing School...

Nursing Students General Students


So I made it through Nursing I with an 85 (we need an 80 to pass), but I went into the final scared to death that I might not make it and I don't want every semester to be like that. I know it's only going to get harder from here. So, how do you do it with kids, work and everything else that your juggling? There are about 25 people left in my class and it seems like none of them are in a similar situation as I am. Most either still live at home, are newly married with no children or have children who are grown and out of the house. I have three kids at home ages 3, 9 and 10, work part-time, and am barely making ends meet. My husband is supportive but he works a lot. So how do you do it, how do you find the time to take care of the kids and the house and still get enough time in for school work. I know what I need to do, I need to manage my time better. There is plenty of time in the day if I use it wisely. So how do all of you other poor, struggling mom's manage to make enough time for school and still be there for your family???

I have 3 kids....I gave age appropriate chores that needed to be done every day. I did lots of crock pot meals and 1 load of laundry daily. Weekends were family time. Period. School clothes and backpacks were packed and by the door nightly and bed times were strictly enforced. After they were in bed, I studied. If I needed more study time, I woke up earlier and studied then as well. I took my books lines at school, football field, lunch etc...

My house wasn't deep cleaned and how I normally would keep it but it was manageable and we survived all intact and still married and with my sanity. It can be done. Will it be exhausting? Yes! Will you feel like giving up? Yes! BUT, once you pass, graduate and pass NCLEX, it will be so worth it! I just sat for NCLEX yesterday and shut off at 85 and I have the good pop up :) you can totally do this :)

If I can do it, so can you! I am finishing up semester four of a 5 semester BSN program. I have 8 kids (15, 14, 11, 9, 7, 7, 4, 4) and a husband who is supportive but works full time (often out of town) and is also a lay minister for our church. So, what's the secret? One day at a time! It's very hard, many times I have almost quit but I didn't. My house is a mess nearly always, we eat z lot of frozen meals and I practically live in my car some days but it's worth it! I have received scholarships for every semester, I have a 3.7 gpa for the program, and I managed to be chosen for the VA summer (paid) internship! I love nursing, it is an amazing career and I can't wait to get started! You can do anything if you believe in yourself and put in the hard work it requires. My family has been very supportive and I couldn't have done it without them, but I also couldn't have done it if I didn't have that deep personal drive to want it.

I wanted to say too, doing a big batch of frozen meals before the semester starts is a huge help for us. Also, doing the deep cleaning and organizing on breaks is a must. I have to swap out seasonal clothes and dig out from their messy rooms during summer or winter break. Take the time to organize as much as you can, make chore charts, who is cooking charts, fill out a weekly calendar for kids activities etc to make sure everyone is on the same page. I keep it all in my phone so it reminds me of appointments etc. I'd never survive without that! Lol. Good luck, time really flies. My babies were 2 when I started this journey, they will be almost 5 when I graduate! Bittersweet.

If I can do it, so can you! I am finishing up semester four of a 5 semester BSN program. I have 8 kids (15, 14, 11, 9, 7, 7, 4, 4) and a husband who is supportive but works full time (often out of town) and is also a lay minister for our church. So, what's the secret? One day at a time! It's very hard, many times I have almost quit but I didn't. My house is a mess nearly always, we eat z lot of frozen meals and I practically live in my car some days but it's worth it! I have received scholarships for every semester, I have a 3.7 gpa for the program, and I managed to be chosen for the VA summer (paid) internship! I love nursing, it is an amazing career and I can't wait to get started! You can do anything if you believe in yourself and put in the hard work it requires. My family has been very supportive and I couldn't have done it without them, but I also couldn't have done it if I didn't have that deep personal drive to want it.

Wow!!! 8 kids AND school? That's amazing

Ha ha, thanks. It really hasn't been easy, but I've been blessed with great kids who all support me and an awesome hubby who has been there in every way too. I don't know how the single moms do it...

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