Licensure by Endorsement


Specializes in OB/GYN, NB Nursery.

After years of working in the same small hospital in PA, my circumstances have changed and I have a chance to try travel nursing. I trained in FL and would like to go back for part of the year. I have also thought about doing some work in MD.

I thought I would get both the FL and MD licenses at the same time to get it all done. I think I have spent a week trying to sift through all the instructions on the 2 BON websites; then throw in PA's rules. It's mind boggling.

Is there any easy way to do this? FL says they are changing to an online component that will speed up the time, but eliminate the temp. license. I am not even sure that I have found the link on their website for that. MD is not much better. There are 5 pages of instructions on how to get the fingerprints, and send them to the BON.

Oh, and this is going to cost me about $500.00 for the 2 applications!!! (And I complained when PA raised their fees.)

A few more I need a job offer first to get the FL license? I was told I needed the license before they could hire me. The BON wants you to state the name of the facility were you would work; and that's not a done deal yet. Should I take the continuing ed. (med course) first? It seems you don't need the others till you renew.

This was a lot easier in 1980. It's sad our society has come to this.

But, I still want to work. Any help greatly appreciated.

The rules that you need to follow are those of the new states, not what is required on the PA website. They are only going to be verifying that you have a license there and it is active. Not sure if they are part of Nursys at all.

Most just want to see transcripts sent to them as well as have verification in their hands, not much more than that. Fingerprints can be done just following the procedures that they have listed.

Can you be more specific as to what else that you need to know and then someone hear can try to help?

I am sure that you will get thru it without any problems.:nuke:

Specializes in OB/GYN, NB Nursery.

Thanks for your comments. Specifically, where do I go to get fingerprinted and get a background check?

Can I use the same fingerprints and background check info for both state applications?

Specializes in Peds, ER/Trauma.

When I applied for my FL license, I had to get the FL fingerprint cards mailed to me, then took them down to the police department where I was to get my prints done, then had to mail the completed cards back to the FL BON. Check with your local police dept. Some only do fingerprints on certain days, and might charge $5-10.

The Florida Licensing procedure is somewhat more convolouted than other states. As ERRN said, you get the cards from the Board of Nursing in FL,and take them to you local Police Dept. They will print you. Since you have to mail the prints you can not use the same set for both applications. Usually you should mail 2 sets ideally so if there is aproblem scanning one set they have a back up.

I have just finished getting the Fl license and I don't recall anywhere where I had to list where I was going to work. At any rate, I was only offerred today, so I guess that didn't matter.

You will have to have the CE class in order to get the license, so I would say go ahead and take it. If you current hosptial allows youto do Nursing Spectrum Classes on line, all the FL license requirements are there for free.

Florida also happens to be one of the more expensive states for which I have obtained a license. Most are more like 80-90 bucks for 2 years...

Best Wishes!

Specializes in OB/GYN, NB Nursery.

Thanks for everyone's help. I actually drove to Baltimore today, since the fingerprint office and the BON office were near each other. (I called them and they explained the process.) Got the application, got the fingerprints (had to wait an hour for that...go early). The BON office was closed til I was done so I will have to mail everything back to them. The packet they gave me seemed simplier to comprend than the website. The fingerprints and background checks are all done (applied for) at the same time. Fee: $57.25.

So, now I don't have to wait for Maryland to mail me the application. You cannot download it off their website. I am still trying to get over the "sticker shock". Yearly renewal (per their sign on the desk) was $70.00. Plus fees for the new licenses: $100.00 permanent; $40.00 temporary.

The application and instructions for FL was 19 pages after I printed it out. It would be great if all the BONs could unite and have a user friendly (national) system to make it easier for the nurses and other health professionals! None of these states are in the Compact. Anyone know why?

Specializes in OB/GYN, NB Nursery.

KatieBelle--How long did it take to get the FL license?

Specializes in Peds, ER/Trauma.

I got my FL license a year ago, and it took a little over a month

KatieBelle--How long did it take to get the FL license?

By Law Fl has to "respond" to your request within 30 days. Most people have told me it takes between 3-4 weeks. Some Canadians I know have been trying for 6 weeks.

Results really do vary.

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