Licensing in another state than where you went to school?

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I am currently in an PN program at a school in North Carolina... we came here for the military and after graduation we have no intent of staying in North Carolina. Right now it's looking like we'll be moving back to WV where we are from, or Ohio. Neither of these states are a compact state with NC. What do I do? Do I get licensed in NC and then transfer or whatever, or do I have to have experience to do that? What do i do!? Thanks guys :)

I graduated in Indiana, and moved to TN the following week and took my boards here in TN. Took me an couple of extra weeks to get my lic then my classmates, due to the fact that I had to have an address and photo id from TN. and they had to do a background check, but I was working as an LPN within 8 wks of graduating. I did find out though that I could have applied to TN 2 months before graduating for my application and they would have done the background check and I would not have had to wait the 6 weeks for that. I would call the BON in Ohio and WV and see what their process is.

Good luck to you

It wouldn't make any difference if you were moving to a "Compact" state -- a "compact license" is only good as long as you maintain your permanent residence in your current state; as soon as you move to another state, even another compact state, your existing license loses its compact privileges and you have to apply for licensure in your new state.

You can either get licensed in NC when you graduate and then apply for licensure "by endorsement" in your new state, or, if you know for sure where you're going by the time you graduate, you can skip NC entirely and apply for initial licensure in the state you're going to. You can apply for licensure in another state, take your exam in NC, and just have the results sent to the other state. No point in paying the fees for two licenses if you don't have to. :)

So I still have my license in WV (due to my husband being military) and an address in WV, would that keep me from that having that waiting period?

I just found out that WV only licenses graduates of accredited programs, and my school doesn't have its NLNAC accreditation. Should I apply in NC and transfer it? I don't know what to do now. :(

Are you sure you were told WV only licenses graduates of NLNAC accredited programs, or was it programs approved/accredited by the state BON? In any state, you have to have graduated from a program approved by the state BON (or considered equivalent to their state standards, if you went to school out of state), but there are lots of perfectly good nursing programs that don't have NLNAC or CCNE accreditation, and their graduates are able to be licensed in every state I've ever been in.

You might want to clarify that before you panic. :) Best wishes!

Hey, thank you for that! I contacted them again and you are right, it doesn't have to be the NLNAC as long as it is approved by the state board. Thank you so much :)

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