License Being Reported By Admin

Nurses General Nursing

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I work for a Florida state nursing home, my administrator has told other nurses that she's reporting licenses for neglect on falls if the fall paperwork is not complete in full detail. It's been said that she reported a CNA and an LPN yesterday.

I'm not sure if it's a scare tactic or she really did report and also can she get anywhere doing that?

She doesn't have an RN or any other health experience, if I understand correctly, I thought that she's supposed to confront said nursing staff to complete forms properly and if not write them up, but I'm not entirely sure.

Other nurses are saying that her reporting licenses to Florida state board for paperwork not complete to get a hit on licenses "doesn't work that way". I'm a fairly new nurse and she's always calling the police on staff for skin tears that were undetermined how harm was done, it's scary working here with all the talk about what she's doing. Anyone have any insight? 

Specializes in Psych/Hospice/Preadmission testing.

That administrator is cray cray.  Run for the hills. You were too hard for your license. 

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