Letter for readmission into Nursing School



I am currently a Senior and my school requires you pass a exit HESI in order to graduate. I did not pass this exit exam and have to write a letter of readmission. Does anyone have any suggestions? I feel like the only reason why I was not successful is due to the pressure put on me during this exam because it does determine whether or not you graduate. I do not know how to word that statement correctly and all I can come up with is that some of the questions on the HESI were unfamilar to me. I do not want it to seem like I am putting the sole blame on the test and not myself. If anyone has any suggestions, please help! Thank You!

I think you should take responsibility and then talk about what you would do differently to be more successful.

I am in the process of writing a letter of readmission. I am at a loss, as well. What did you write about? My issue was I failed the finals for Med/Surg and Pediatrics, which in turn pulled my grades down and I wasn't able to continue with the program. If I had not failed those two finals, I could have maintained the grade requirement. It was literally a matter of a few questions. Any help is greatly appreciated.



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