letter of intent


i just received a letter saying i got accepted in the nursing program and i need to write a letter of intent. How do you even start it.is it like an essay?i was not given any guidelines.help!!!!please can somebody help me?

I would just write a short letter basically accepting your placement in the program.

Something like....

Dear (whoever),

I am writing in response to your letter concerning my acceptance into your nursing program for the spring of 2009. I gratefully accept this position.

I appreciate the opportunity to begin studies to become a (LPN, RN). {spelled out though} Please accept this letter as my intent to begin your program on (date).

Thank you.


I think this is all that is needed. You have already been accepted so I don't think an essay of any sort is needed...just an acknowledgment of your acceptance and an indication that you in fact intend to actually enroll.

Congratulations!! :D


The programs that I applied to sent a form for the applicant to sign and send back by a certain date to accept their spot. The example given by Quidam sounds very good to me. Good luck in your program.

Hey Guys, just attended a nursing workshop and they requested that i write a letter of intent.In my case, i have not been accepted either....ANYONE...please advise.

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