legal problem?


I'm a male LVN student in California, graduating next month of this year and getting ready to take the board. My concern is that I had a domestic violence 10 years ago, will that prevent me from taking the board ( my anxiety level is going up, I don't know if should be happy because I'm graduating or be worried about my past).... pls help me. I've sacrificed for two years just to become an LVN....thanks alot :crying2:

Specializes in Everything!.

I don't know what your particular circumstances are... but I can tell you my experience and the experience of a friend/former classmate in a similar situation.

My experience is I was with a friend visiting her at her university. She decided to steal and we both got arrested. We were put on the same case for misdemeanor petty theft. I was so nervous going through the live scan as we applied to take our NCLEX! I didn't know if it was gonna "fly" with the BVNPT. I did what my DON told me to do. I got a copy of the arrest report. I got all my original court papers. I got my statement that the fine was fully paid for. I had (1) professional reference letter made by my favorite instructor and (2) personal reference letters made by people who know me the best. On top of that, I spent 3 months writing the best letter of conviction. It took an extra 2 months to even get a letter from the BVNPT. It said my arrest was directly related to my potential nursing career. But, after careful consideration they decided to grant me my license (yay! I passed!) granted I don't have any other detrimental activity on my record. Might I add being you and naive was something I still regret as I continue on and pursue my RN.

A classmate of mine got involved in a domestic dispute with her now ex husband. They were physically fighting each other when police were called by the neighbors. She wrote her letter of conviction. She sat for her NCLEX. However before they gave her results, they asked that she submit her court documents and statements of whether is fines were paid. After that then she finally got her LVN license.

Moral of the story:

So long as your application is complete and your letter of conviction is on point then it shouldn't hinder you from obtaining your LVN license. Good luck...

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

This thread was created in 2005. Since the original poster had asked this question over 3 years ago, it is relatively safe to assume that he no longer needs a reply.

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