Hi everyone! I am currently a nursing student taking an ethics course for anyone going into a health or human resource field. I am currently working on a paper about how some of the issues we disscused in class are handled in the nursing field. I have interviewed some nurses (who didn't seem to want to talk about it too much...) and done some reading...but if anyone could add any comments to these questions that would be great!
1. How is confidentiality (of their medical file,etc.) explained/presented to your patients? Are there any limits to their cofidentiality?
2. What do you have priviledge in knowing about a patient?
3. What would you do if your nursind records/charts were supoenoaed?
4. How are the right's of minors treated differently?
5. What ethical dilemas do you face in your everyday nursing practice?
Thanks to anyone who shares their ideas/experiences!!