Published Sep 21, 2005
3 Posts
]Hello, Illinois nurses. I am an Illinois registered nurse and, although not currently working in the nursing field, I am a state employee. I attended some Red Cross trainings this week and learned that there is a law in Illinois addressing nurses & other trained emergency workers being given time off to work on disasters rated "2" or higher. Does anyone out there know the specifics???? I had the impression that it's a mandate that's really more of a recommendation to a state employer. If anyone knows any facts about this (on websites or whatever) I'd appreciate hearing about them. I'd contact my human resources department about this, but prior experience has taught me to do my own homework---less headaches this way & usually nobody don't know nuthing about nuthing anyway!
Thanks! KAHRN
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check out ana's bioterrorism and disaster response website
how to protect yourself
while nurses have a primary commitment to the patient, we also have a responsibility to preserve our own safety so we can care for others. the following web links provides valuable information to help promote nurses' safe response to emergencies and disasters, especially those associated with biological or chemical terrorism. learn about your rights to a safe work environment while responding to emergencies!
information from ana it is also important that you work with your employer as part of your preparation to participate in this type of response effort. ana's commission on workplace advocacy (cwpa) developed two position statements to help guide you in your discussions with your employer. the first position statement, registered nurses rights and responsibilities related to work release during a disaster, which is posted in pdf format, speaks to the rights and responsibilities of registered nurses who desire release from their workplaces for the purpose of participating in a disaster relief effort. the second position statement, policy for work release during a disaster pdf, is a policy for use by employers to govern the release of registered nurses from their workplaces for the purpose of participating in a disaster relief effort.
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