Latoya's Health Education and Training Center

U.S.A. Michigan


I heard about this school from a couple of nurses at a facility I used to work at as a CNA. They told me it was only 1 LPN year program and the only thing you had to do to get in was have a HS diploma, pass a PSB test and complete and interview with Rosa (very very nice lady). I jumped right on that opportunity and was accepted in May of 2009. I am currently attending Latoya's and I love it as of today I have 8 months until graduation. I am so thankful for this school because if not for it I would still be waiting to get into Mott's program. :yawn:

Okay so the cost was 13,000 for my class but next year it will go up to 14,00 dollars. Which is still alot less then AMC's program and from what I hear Latoya's program is a tad bit better. But you know I am bias. :redbeathe

But if you are currently on a waiting list or you want to change your careers I highly recommend that you try Latoya's. I believe testing to get in started on Jan. 20th and it will continue until the end of April.

If you have any questions or you want contact information reply here .


Swoods, as of right now I am all set to go to class starting October and I am all signed up and everything. The only way I could get the funding is that my dad is helping me out. Otherwise like everyone else, I would be unable to attend.

I graduated from Latoya's in Oct. 2015 and passed my NCLEX the very first time. I took the NCLEX on a Thursday and by the following Monday, I had two interviews setup. The first interview offered me the job on the spot. I'm now a full time wound nurse and do home care part time. I absolutely would recommend Latoya's to anyone who doesn't have the time to wait for clinicals at some of the larger schools. My two daughters started Delta College for nursing more than a year before I enrolled at Latoya's and neither one has started a clinical rotation to date. Granted, Latoya's credits will not transfer over to a college or University, but being an LPN does qualify you to take transition to RN courses that greatly reduce classroom time. One example is "Distance Learning", an online transition to RN program that takes less than 2 years without any prior prerequisites and 1 year with transferable credits.

As with any nursing school or program, you must research and study above and beyond what your curriculum offers. Please do not assume that any school will teach you everything needed to pass the NCLEX, you must buy extra research material and study, study, study!

I hope this helps someone in deciding a school choice, good can do this!

I have a surgical tech degree used for about a year and a half., but I have been away from it for about 8 years how can I get back into a surgical tech position I know I would probably need to study up and badiccalky learn how to scrub in and set up again

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