Published May 28, 2004
21 Posts
I Have 2 Interviews Next Week! I Have Read Other Discussions On Interview Questions And Have Found Them Most Helpful. A Few Last Minute Details I'm Sweating Over:
1) What Do I Wear?
2) How Eager Should I Appear?
3) How Calm Should I Try To Remain Or Do They Like To See Applicants' Anxiety?
4) Has Anyone Gone Into School With The Ticket Being Paid For By Their Employer? If So, How Does This Appear To The Committee? (not My Case But I'm Trying Very Hard!)
5) How Do The Committees Feel About Applicants With Dependent Children?
6) Any Other Insightful Information Would Be Most Appreciated! Thanks In Advance For Your Help!
50 Posts
Most of all be yourself, dress professional and conservative, face it you will be anxious and nervous but don't worry everyone will be in the same boat you are, as for having children, some of my answers to questions were about my children, during my interview, i start school in August, I have two girls with one on the way and i am lucky to have a very supportive wife and family. good luck on you interviews remember be yourself, try to stand out (be different from others) add humor if you can see ya nec :chuckle :rotfl: :)
350 Posts
I Have 2 Interviews Next Week! I Have Read Other Discussions On Interview Questions And Have Found Them Most Helpful. A Few Last Minute Details I'm Sweating Over:1) What Do I Wear?2) How Eager Should I Appear?3) How Calm Should I Try To Remain Or Do They Like To See Applicants' Anxiety?4) Has Anyone Gone Into School With The Ticket Being Paid For By Their Employer? If So, How Does This Appear To The Committee? (not My Case But I'm Trying Very Hard!)5) How Do The Committees Feel About Applicants With Dependent Children?6) Any Other Insightful Information Would Be Most Appreciated! Thanks In Advance For Your Help!
Hi Kate. Good luck on your interview! I can't answer all your questions, but a couple of them caught my attention. As far as what you should wear: dress conservatively but not frumpy. Make sure that what you wear is something that you feel comfortable in. By that I don't really mean comfort as in physical comfort, though that is important too, but more mentally comfortable. I wore something that made me feel pretty, confident, and professional. Before my interview I had my outfit choices narrowed down to two, and while both were conservative and professional, one just made me feel dowdy and plain, while the other one made me feel like, "Yeah, I look good. Uh-huh...that's right....."
As far as how do committee members feel about applicants with children, well I was asked about my family (I have four children myself). I made sure to make it clear that I have a good support system in place to help our family make it through this big venture. I let them know that my husband's work schedule is very flexible so that he is able to rearrange his time to be home with the children when necessary.
You should definitely strive to remain calm, in my opinion. Of course you are nervous, every interviewee is in that same boat, but don't appear rattled. Just relax. Take deep breaths, and when you are asked a question, pause and consider your words before you begin to speak. I'll bet you'll do great! Good luck to you.....
Be blessed,
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
First, I must preface my remarks with the fact that I'm not pursuing a CRNA - but I find it difficult to believe they ask about your children and personal life! If you are mature enough and bright enough to pursue CRNA - I think you would have thought everything out already. I would be plenty insulted. Besides - what candidate is going to say - "I don't know" or "I'll figure that out when it comes along". Is this a usual question??
98 Posts
You wrote:
1 - I would encourage you to wear something "professional" - maybe even "intelligent" (if that's possible) - they want to see what kind of a candidate you look like. Will you make the profession "look good"? Think about that! Will you make other CRNAs "proud" of you with the way you look & dress? Perhaps a nice Dana Buchman/Ellen Tracy suit? Spend a little $$ if you have to. :) That's what I did - walked in with a $1k suit on - it was a nice little added touch.
2 - Think: "Intellectual Curiosity" - do you have an immense interest in learning anesthesia? Does it fascinate you? ...or is it just the hoped for $$$$ someday? Also, are you "up for a challenge"? Are you "unrelenting" when it comes to acheiving a goal in life? If you have that kind of mentality, it will show through during the interview.
3 - I wouldn't worry too much about butterflies - try to learn to "embrace" them! If you didn't care - you wouldn't be nervous at all now, would you? :) They already know you're going to be "concerned - "alert" - nervous! Just go in knowing they already know that. They're actually there to "help you" get into the program. Try to look at it from the bright side - they NEED good quality candidates to successfully complete the program and YOU are just what they are looking for. Right?!
4 - Lots of people have had the financing arranged ahead of time. I don't think it's really that big of a plus. The main thing is - they want to know if you can you manage your finances to such a degree that you can successfully finish the program? Loans are fine - probably even a better way to go, in my humble opinion.
5 - Regarding having kids - the committee should be fine with that and maybe even MORE supportive in some ways. If you are a responsible parent - odds are you will be a responsible student! It shows the ability to assume responsibility. When you provide an anesthetic... you need to be very, very, very "responsible"...! Also, to someone who said something about "...they should NEVER ask anything about kids..." - I say, "Hahahahahahahaha@!!!!!" They can ask anything they like! And you'd best be prepared to inform them of what a strong, wonderful family support system you have in place! Remember: Once accepted into the program - they want to see you SUCCEED! They don't want you trying to come back two years later because you had to drop out due to "family problems"....
Mmmhhh... I'm sure there are others that can give you great advice... I'm thinking... I'm thinking... OH - don't be "mousy" - timid! That doesn't "gel" well with surgeons nor will it gel well with an admissions committee. Don't leave your personality OR your sense of humor outside the door. You just never know what little "thing" may help you. I hope you'll come back and tell us how you felt it went after you interview.
Best wishes!!
One more thing -
This should go without saying... BUT - if (when?) they ask you something you don't know - don't you DARE pretend you do! Yeah, they're looking for a lot of things - and honesty is one of them. Just a word to the wise....