Laptop Computers for Class


GManSRNA here lol...needing some advice on what kind of laptop to buy for school.

In your experience what have you used, but wished you had for a comuter. Do I need 4gigs of ram? Duelcore processor? Wireless internet?

Im hoping to go cheap as possible, but what would you guys reccomend?


Specializes in ER/ICU, CCRN, SRNA (class of 2010).

I am planning on getting a macbook 2.4 ghz processor, 2gig ram the cost with all the software preloaded including office for mac and 3 year protection plan ,through the school is 1400.00. Not exactly cheap, but the machine is going to get a lot of use over the next 2 years and as they always say "you get what pay for".


I bought an HP Pavilion. Don't know the exact specs but it's a screamin' machine! I've been using it & so glad I got the big widescreen I did. That's what I suggest to you, besides power get a big screen. I don't know about TxWes but at TCU there are computer portals at every seat so you can actually type on your notes online as the lecture is being conducted (that's what another SRNA told me). Cool huh?:smokin: Have any of you looked at PDA's yet? I can't decide between a Blackberry or a separate PDA. What do u think?

I'm finishing my first semester and haven't bought a new computer yet. I have an older laptop I lug around when I need to, and our classroom has laptops at every desk. If you haven't bought one yet, I'd talk to other students before selecting one. Personally, I'd go for the smaller ones. My classmates that have smaller ones take them to study sessions more often.

I also have an HP Pavillion and LOVE IT!!! 200G memory. I have the entertainment version and the speakers actually rock! Last year in class, (previous masters program I left to come to the fabulous world of passing gas) I was the designated DJ between classes during the day. I don't have the big screen version. Too much of a PITA to lug around. Mine is more portable. Every single person who borrows this thing (I'm on it right now) swears they're getting one. I've got a big tactile thing, too and the key reward on this baby is sweet! It has a webcam and mic, DVD/RW w/lightscribe, and can be voice controlled (even creating word documents).

I only have great things to say about it and I got it for under $900 on sale at Staples. I got software and wireless upgrades that brought my sale total to more than that, but the computer was an awesome deal!



I bought an HP Pavilion. Don't know the exact specs but it's a screamin' machine! I've been using it & so glad I got the big widescreen I did. That's what I suggest to you, besides power get a big screen. I don't know about TxWes but at TCU there are computer portals at every seat so you can actually type on your notes online as the lecture is being conducted (that's what another SRNA told me). Cool huh?:smokin: Have any of you looked at PDA's yet? I can't decide between a Blackberry or a separate PDA. What do u think?

In my household I'm known as the gadget queen! Love the HP first was a HP Pavillion, I liked it so much that I went and purchased a lighter version. The 15 inch screen made the laptop seem so heavy. But the function of the HP is great! As for your PDA dilemma, my advice would be to go for a sepate PDA that is a Pocket PC as well. That way you would get all the office products such as Excel and Word, be able to store more info on it and you can sync it to your laptop as well (although you can sync a blackberry...but it seems as a blackberry is limited..had one of these too, plus factor in that you will have to pay additional monies :twocents: each month for the blackberry package to your cellular plan). Hope that helps! :typing

mac are the way to go. The only problem is right now mac and pc are duo core processors, tri and quad cores processors are out for desktops later in the year the chips should be out for the laptops. I have a four year old single core dell with 2g RAM, it going to work until the new processor are out. There are ways to get your pc to run/load faster. I want to get a iphone when the second versions are out which should have plenty of memory and run med programs just fine.

Specializes in ER/ICU, CCRN, SRNA (class of 2010).


I have been struggling with the pda decision for months now. I was set on the palm tx because it has wifi. I found out that our clinical tracking software does not support the TX. I liked the screen size also. Now, I am looking at a Treo with windows. It is expensive and I am still not sold on it. I looked into the verizon vx6800 or sprint mogul because it is a phone that also has wifi, although I do not like the size of the screen. So, if anyone has any suggestions for a PDA or smartphone, I am all ears. I want a large screen, good memory, windows based and wifi would be a plus but not needed.


Specializes in Trauma, Med-Surg/Transplant ICU.

I bought an HP TX2000 (tablet PC), for about $1200. I'm still trying to learn what I can do with it. The ability to take down notes (including video and audio), organize files/pull files together from various documents, hand-write on it, etc. look very convenient for schooling. My hubby (who's got computer background) thinks it has good specs for what it's worth. He says Dell tends to be expensive for what it offers. I heard from current students that it's not really necessary to have one, but I guess it could make my school life a little easier to use one anyway. It'll serve as my notebook/organizer/computer in one.

Check out reviews of PCs in the internet.

my gf had one but all the turning the screen made it break alittle after a year. Just take out the extra warranty plan.

I bought the same computer, it is so much better than a PC. I bought the time machine also, and the anesthesia group that I signed with paid for eveything, including m Iphone.

Specializes in PER,PICU,Flight,SRNA 2008.
I bought an HP Pavilion. Don't know the exact specs but it's a screamin' machine! I've been using it & so glad I got the big widescreen I did. That's what I suggest to you, besides power get a big screen. I don't know about TxWes but at TCU there are computer portals at every seat so you can actually type on your notes online as the lecture is being conducted (that's what another SRNA told me). Cool huh?:smokin: Have any of you looked at PDA's yet? I can't decide between a Blackberry or a separate PDA. What do u think?


Many months ago, I was in the same dilemma about PDA vs. Blackberry. I went with the Blackberry and was assured that I could easily use it's PDA functions, but I have found that many of the programs I really want are not compatible to be downloaded onto my BB. So..... my advice would be to go with a good PDA. I will probably look at buying a Treo next year before starting clinicals. Wish this discussion would have taken place back at christmas, would have saved me some money!!!! Hope this helps.:bugeyes:

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