Labs for viral vs bacterial infection


Specializes in ER, Corrections, Mental Health.

To the ER ARNPs:

could you explain what you look for when you draw labs and are trying to determine viral vs bacterial infection? Is there a pattern that will present to give you a clear idea of the diagnosis?


Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

Are you an NP?

Specializes in ER, Corrections, Mental Health.

I am not. Newer nurse trying to pick up on what I can. I figured that I would get a more knowledgeable answer from ARNPs that diagnose these conditions.

Specializes in ER, Corrections, Mental Health.

Man, it would be scary if I were an NP and didn't know how to diagnose!! Haha. Didn't realize that it might have come across that I was an NP in my initial post. Sorry, I should have explained.

First I look at the WBC--if elevated, almost always bacterial. Then look at differential. If neutrophils high (left shift), bacterial. If lymphocytes high (right shift), viral. Also, if granulocytosis, probably bacterial.

Specializes in ER, Corrections, Mental Health.
First I look at the WBC--if elevated, almost always bacterial. Then look at differential. If neutrophils high (left shift), bacterial. If lymphocytes high (right shift), viral. Also, if granulocytosis, probably bacterial.

Thank you so much. I'm just trying to learn what I can! I appreciate your response.

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