Laboratory analysis

Specialties Ob/Gyn


I know this is not an Ob/Gyn issue, but I can't seem to find the correct board- maybe someone could direct me to the correct one?

Here's my question. My husband recently had a nurse come to the house to do a urine and blood workup for an insurance policy. We got the insurance, but they sent paperwork detailing his lab results with no explanations. As he refuses to go to the Dr until after he's dead, I'm trying to research what the numbers mean and am hoping they're not significant. Most tests were within range except for the following:

Bili. Tot. 1.9 H Range 0.2-1.5

Protein 39H Range 0-30

Microalbumin 25.1H Range 0-3

Red Blood Cells 5H Range 0-4

Hyaline Casts 120H Range 0-10

I have been all over the internet trying to find information on these numbers and what they mean, but have not had much luck other than some inference that he may have liver disfuntion. Is there any website that would be useful, or does anyone have any other ideas to help research? If these tests are significant I need compelling information to get my hubby to go to a doctor. Thanks.


[email protected]

not seeing the whole picture is very looks like he needs to see a doctor.....looks like his kidneys might be in trouble...but..without seeing the whole pic, i am not offering any medical advice, other than "see a doctor"...

Protein 39H Range 0-30 Normally, protein is not present in the urine when measured by routine dipstick qualitative tests. This is because the glomerulus (which is the part of the kidney nephron which filters fluid from the blood) generally prevents large molecules (which includes most proteins) from entering the renal filtrate.

Finding protein in the urine is probably the best test for screening for kidney disease, although there may be a number of causes for an increased protein level in the urine. Consult the health care provider.

Microalbumin 25.1H Range 0-3 What does the test result mean?

Moderately increased microalbumin levels in urine indicate that a person is in one of the very early phases of developing kidney disease. Very high levels are an indication that kidney disease is present in a more severe form. Normal levels are an indication that kidney function is normal.

In most cases, test results are reported as numerical values rather than as "high" or "low", "positive" or "negative", or "normal". In these instances, it is necessary to know the reference range for the particular test. However, reference ranges may vary by the patient's age, sex, as well as the instrumentation or kit used to perform the test. To learn more about reference ranges, please see the article, Reference Ranges and What They Mean. To learn the reference range for your test, consult your doctor or laboratorian.

Red Blood Cells 5H Range 0-4 Red Blood Cells

Hematuria is the presence of abnormal numbers of red cells in urine due to: glomerular damage, tumors which erode the urinary tract anywhere along its length, kidney trauma, urinary tract stones, renal infarcts, acute tubular necrosis, upper and lower uri urinary tract infections, nephrotoxins, and physical stress. Red cells may also contaminate the urine from the lady parts in menstruating women or from trauma produced by bladder catherization. Theoretically, no red cells should be found, but some find their way into the urine even in very healthy individuals. However, if one or more red cells can be found in every high power field, and if contamination can be ruled out, the specimen is probably abnormal.

Hyaline Casts 120H Range 0-10 The test is performed to evaluate the presence of certain conditions, such as kidney infections, glomerular diseases, interstitial kidney diseases, and as part of the evaluation for abnormal kidney function.

Drag his butt to the DR.

Thanks for the info. I have been worried since he took the same tests 3 years ago and only had the elevated bilurubin (sp?) level, and recently has been having regular, incapacitating headaches. Maybe if his arm fell off he'd go to the Dr, but I'm not optimistic- he passed out when the in-home nurse drew his blood. Anyway, thanks again for the information as it gives me a little idea of what to be expecting. The only reason it even went this far (Dr-wise) is that because I was worried I insisted we increase his life insurance policy (we have 2 little kids), and they provided the testing in our home. I have never understood how people could be afraid of going to the Dr....


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