La Guardia Community College Nursing program


Does any know about LaGuardia Community College Nursing program?

Is it a good school?

Any comments or opinions would really be appreciated!!

Hey. I think you souldn't even try to get into their Nursing Program at LAGCC>. It's very competitive; students with 3.7 GPA failed. They only accept 40 people out of 360 every year. And, only one digit-number of students can graduate with Nursing and others fail. I wouldn't recommend it. But, I heard Queensboro Comm Coll is much easier to get in althoug I do not know about how difficult to graduate. Good luck!!

Does any know about LaGuardia Community College Nursing program?

Is it a good school?

Any comments or opinions would really be appreciated!!

Does any know about LaGuardia Community College Nursing program?

Is it a good school?

Any comments or opinions would really be appreciated!!

If you have a choice, don't go to LaGuardia Comm. College. I met two friends at my current school and they said so many negative things about that school.

Good Luck

LaGuardia is a good school but the nursing program is real competitive.

I started out at LaGuardia community college fresh out of high school in September 2001. Yes it is true that even if you have a 3.7 or maybe even a 4.0 you might not get in. Too many students are trying to get into these cuny nursing schools and they just don't have enough space. I am graduating from a SUNY school in May 2006 with my BSN. I totally wasted one year at LaGuardia. I say go to a four year college where you can get a BSN. At Suny four year universities once they except you into the school of nursing your in and thats it. You don't have to worry about getting into the classes you need because they are yours before anyone else. All of these CUNY schools are the same. If you think about it CUNY means CITY University of New York. CITY aka The BIG APPLE aka Too many people trying to do the same thing you are. I would not waste my time with these schools because I would not be where I am today if I didn't smarten up. And the friends I left behind and begged to make the same move I did, they are not even doing Nursing anymore because they could not get into any programs whether it be LaGuardia or Hunter. So they gave up out of frustration. Try SUNY downstate in Brooklyn or SUNY Universities in upstate NY. I did not want to go away because I loved the city so much. But going away was the best thing that has ever happened to me. :)

Hi I am a Nursing student at Laguardia and would NOT recommend this school. Other then not being helpful at all they are unorganized and classes are impossible to get into. Dont waste youre time

unless you have a 3.8 gpa dont even bother.

Yes, all CUNY Nursing Programs are extremely competitive, however, the information from 2005 was not accurate when posted and absolutely not accurate now. nycin123, I don't know who you spoke to, but you must be a "pre-clinical" student and not yet in the program because the courses that are difficult sometimes to get are the pre-requisite general education science KEY Courses, not nursing courses. Once you are in the program, you are automatically expected to be in all required courses.

As for the GPA, yes it is high but the numbers vary with those who apply and we don't have very much control over that. Also, it is not the GPA that gets you in, but a ranking score which you can see if you go to the website and download the Nursing Student handbook (Natural and Applied Science Department) in PDF format about in the middle of the web page. As a matter of fact, student were admitted in the past two semesters with 3.68 GPAs because their Ranking Scores were so good.

The Nursing Program faculty are most likely some of the most student-friendly and helpful group of people in the College. We do much of our own advisement, but many students interested in Nursing, never bother to come to the office, but get verbal advice from other students or non-nursing advisors who sometimes give incorrect information.

If you are still at LaGuardia and want to really get accurate information and assistance, come to the office during office hours or send me email to make an appointment if you are unable to come during office hours presently on Wednesday, 12-3. You can also call the secretary to connect you to a faculty who might be available to assist you when you call.

Oh and by the way, we take anywhere from 65 students or more each semester (2x yearly) and then an additional 20+ students into the final year who apply to our LPN to RN Advanced Standing Pathway. Our last graduation class was 74 students and this year, we anticipate 80 or more will graduate. I think that is an excellent graduation rate. Oh yes and we have had one of the highest NCLEX pass rates of all NY over the past 5 years.

So don't always listen to disgruntled students who because they really never spoke to the appropriate parties, became very bitter. See out the appropriate information from the right sources. Always go see those who run the programs and teach the courses, then you'll get accurate information so you can make the right decision from the start.

nuff said!

[email protected]

Specializes in ER,Surgical ICU,Neuro ICU, OR.

Haha so great that prof. ***** joined here, lets keep LaGuardia's reputation high. I will speak for myself, I had a 3.94 GPA and was I think 20th on the list of the 60 students accepted on the clinical program. Again welcome prof. Dillon, I have seen some other posts on LAGCC on allnurses with some misinformation and I believe you should give some correct information to people interested in LAGCC nursing program.

haha I never thought prof. ***** would come to this site. I'm one of the students who got into the clinical. Yes, it's competitive but still there are always students who get in in those conditions.

As much of a pretty picture the director wants to paint - the administration and a majority of the nursing staff are rude and wouldn't give you the time of day even if you ask politely. the disorganization and unwillingness to help or even teach the material is something to think about. the best testament is to look at their nclex performance rates. they've been bragging about their 90% pass rates when in reality the last few years it's been much much lower. there are of course amazing teachers but really only 2-4 total...

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