L&D New Grads in Miami

U.S.A. Florida


Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Hello. I am a nursing student at University of South Florida graduating Aug 07 and I would like to work in labor and delivery. I am planning on moving back to Miami after graduation and would like to know if any hospitals hired new grads into labor and delivery and if any hospitals have L&D grad nurse internships. Thank you

When I graduated in the beginning of '03 no hospital in Miami would hire a GN in either L&D or M/B (mother/baby). Every employer wanted their nurses to have at least one year of Med/Surg experience.

Things may have changed since then.


I graduated in '05 and wanted to do L & D, I applied to Memorial Hospital but was not accepted. But they did accept new grads they just didn't pick me for whatever reason. Try the major hospitals like Jackson, Memorial, Broward General and Baptist... They usually have classes set up for new grads, it might be a competition however.

I also found that you have to be assertive in what you want as a new grad because they will generally try to stick you on a med-surg or tele before they offer you a specialty. If you want L&D and if they tell you that mambo jumbo of med-surg first, tell them what you want, if they don't agree then move on to the next hospital until you get what you want.

Good luck!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Thank you for the advice. I have heard many similar stories about the need to be assertive and hospitals giving the "work on med-surg for a certain time and we will move you" and then not keeping their word. I will go for the assertive path. Thanks

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