

Anyone here on my side of the state planning to/going to KVCC? I'm finishing up pre-reqs and getting my ducks in a row as they say to apply hopefully for fall of 09 (or at least get on the waiting list *sigh*) Anyone else?


Specializes in Psychiatry.
Anyone here on my side of the state planning to/going to KVCC? I'm finishing up pre-reqs and getting my ducks in a row as they say to apply hopefully for fall of 09 (or at least get on the waiting list *sigh*) Anyone else?


I know at KVCC there is a 2 1/2 - 3 year wait AFTER your pre-reqs are finished.

I know, I'm just being unbelievably optimistic..lol..

Do you know is the wait any shorter for Kellogg CC, or the CC in GR? From what I've heard Western doesn't have any shorter of a wait either.

Guess the time will pass whether I wait or not, so I may as well be on a waiting list while it does. But it is a bit frustrating.

Specializes in Psychiatry.


GRCC has a 6-7 year wait (yikes)...

WMU does not have a wait list per say, they admit based on GPA and essay scores.

I'm not sure about the others.

I hope this helps.

Happy New Year,


Thanks, Diane..

This is actually -very- helpful. I'm gonna call Kellogg CC after the hols too and see what their wait is, but this way I can hedge my bets and apply to all three! I want my BSN, so Western might actually end up the best course. At any rate, thanks for all the good info!

Happy Holidays, and good luck to you!



I attend Kellogg CC in Battle Creek. Their waiting list isn't quite as bad as most around your area and it is a very good school. The list is about a year and a half to two years. The pre reqs needed at Kellogg are Intro Algebra, Anatomy, Physiology and Intro to Chemistry. Once I complete the Physiology and Chemistry next semester, then I will be on the list. You could also check into LCC ( Lansing Community College). They don't have a wait list, they base admissions on a point system every year, with a March 1 deadline. Both LCC and Kellogg offer both full time ADN programs as well as part time programs. Hope this helps! Also, JCC in Jackson also admits on a point system, not wait list, I think! Good Luck!!

Kcc has changed requirements it is now competitive! The pre-reqs are a&p and maybe algebra and chem, I can't remember for certain. Just thought you would like to know.

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