Published Sep 24, 2004
211 Posts
Hi I was wondering what symptoms you get when your kidneys are going downhill with diabetes (for 21 years)? Thanks for any info.
3,037 Posts
Hi Steph -
I'm not really clear from your question precidely what you want to know. I hope this helps :)
The first sign of chronic renal failure is protein in the urine, which happens relatively early in the disease process. This can be detected with a urine dipstick.
The next stage of renal impairment is altered creatinine clearance (how much creatinine is exceted in urine over a twenty-four hour period), then changes in blood chemistry.
People who have proteinurea, altered creatinine clearance, and even elevated serum urea and creatinine can feel completely finr; this is partly because the disease take a while to develop, and so feeling unwell is quite insidious, and partly because the remaining kidney function is quite effective until the disease is severe.
My ward combines endocrinology and renal medicine (among other specialty medcal units), so we're able to reinforce to patients with diabetes how important it is to have regular monitoring of their renal function. We recommend that they see an endocrinologist annually, rather than being managed solely by a GP, and to have a nephrologist involved early in the process of renal failure.
Once again, hope this helps :)
What I was really wanting to know is do you feel nautious or have headaches? I am a diabetic for 22 years now (since I was 7) and I have been having headaches and nausea really bad every day now. I have an appt. made for Monday with a reg. dr. I just had a urine test done and the endo. told me that I had protein in it. I had the more serious test (blood test) done 2 yrs ago. and that was a little bad so he started me on 5 mg. of prinivil for circulation. I just cannot figure out why I have been feeling this way for over a month now and its getting worse. Anyways, sorry to bore you. By the way I am very interested in getting into LVN program. I tried last year but didn't make it in the top 85!! So , I will be trying to get in this coming year!! That is my main reason for visiting this website all the time!! Thanks for your info.
Hi Steph -I'm not really clear from your question precidely what you want to know. I hope this helps :)The first sign of chronic renal failure is protein in the urine, which happens relatively early in the disease process. This can be detected with a urine dipstick.The next stage of renal impairment is altered creatinine clearance (how much creatinine is exceted in urine over a twenty-four hour period), then changes in blood chemistry.People who have proteinurea, altered creatinine clearance, and even elevated serum urea and creatinine can feel completely finr; this is partly because the disease take a while to develop, and so feeling unwell is quite insidious, and partly because the remaining kidney function is quite effective until the disease is severe.My ward combines endocrinology and renal medicine (among other specialty medcal units), so we're able to reinforce to patients with diabetes how important it is to have regular monitoring of their renal function. We recommend that they see an endocrinologist annually, rather than being managed solely by a GP, and to have a nephrologist involved early in the process of renal failure.Once again, hope this helps :)
People with renal failure can have nausea, and headaches, but they often have other symptoms as well, or even first; nausea and headache are fairly general symptoms, so I'd be reluctant to label them as renal-related without other evidence as well. This is good news!
As I said in my earlier post, proteinurea is an early sign - it doesn't mean that you have significant renal dysfunction.
I think seeing a specialist is a good idea, regardless of what the problem ends up being. Good luck!
PS Not bored at all, really sorry if I gave you that impression; please feel free to post again, on this or another topic :)