Published Apr 5, 2009
83 Posts
I am in the process of losing the 15 lbs I gained in nursing school (graduate in June) I have a full time nights job(3- 12s) lined up--
Iam looking for advice on eating with that crazy schedue and not gaining back the weight.
55 Posts
I would suggest keeping a lot of fruit and veggie snacks with dip or peanut butter (keeps you full), and yogurts with granola which is high in fiber and it keeps you full longer. The key is to bring everything with you so you would be less likely to go to the vending machines and get kit kats and snickers (although they are sooooo good:yeah: )
Good Luck!!
I guess I was wondering when you balance your meals? before shift? in the middle?
I am honestly dreading nights but my other option was a day night flip every 2 weeks. all nights sounds better
yeah you would have to plan ahead, I personally do it in the morning. By getting the little snack bags, check the sales on fruit and baby carrots any other veggies you want(I shop on sale) get your lite ranch dressing, your yogurt or what ever you prefer and just portion it all out in your for instance if you are going to be working a 12 hour shift you would probably want 6 snacks same or different again your preference plus your lunch and water is the key..I personally like water but it gets bland so I buy the crystal light pink lemonade individual sized or even the walmart brand to jazz it up without adding the calories. So whenever you wanna munch go to your lunch bag and pull out your snack.
Snack ideas***
of course your fruit at least 1 fruit a day (apples with vanilla yogurt or peanut butter my favorite)
baby carrots w/ lite ranch dressing
100 calorie packs (they are high in sugar so I limit them)
baked nachos w any salsa
These are just some suggestions based on what I do, I use to be a representative for a telecommunications company and something I could work up to 12 hours a day, and to sit at a desk for that amount of time you realize how quickly you can put on the pounds. So to combat the snacking on chips and cakes I started packing my snacks with me and trust me it works. Now dont get me wrong I am not a health nut by any chance. But dont get me wrong you are gonna have those moments when you need that kick kat or some chips we all do....the more you bring with you to work the less outside food you will eat.
lots of good ideas there
146 Posts
I try to eat a high-protein snack toward the end of my shift (say, around 6:30 am) or as soon as I get home from work so that I can go to bed and stay asleep for awhile. I love Kashi roasted garlic and thyme crackers with sharp cheddar cheese. I also recently found at Trader Joe's that they sell a big 1 lb container of soy protein powder for about $5. No additives, just straight up soy. 1 scoop = 10 grams protein, or about 20% of your daily value. I mix the powder with 2% milk and Hershey's chocolate syrup. The sugar in the chocolate syrup helps me make it through the last hour of my shift and the protein keeps me from getting hungry for a few hours afterwards. And, even though it's gross, I keep a jar of peanut butter and a spoon on my bedstand for those times when I wake up starving but am too lazy to leave my bed! Thanks for this thread. I'm looking forward to seeing more posts!