Keep being told no need for tx

Nurses Recovery


I guess this is more of a vent and curious to your thoughts on the matter. So I went for my official eval veal and was told there was no need for tx by the lady over my case in that board approved facility. The very next day, after she emailed Ms. Monitoring I was told I would have to do some sort of tx but she wasn't sure if it would be inpatient or out patient and for how long. I began accepting that I was probably screwed. I went the following week for my psych eval and the doctor told me no need for tx and even said it would be UNETHICAL for the board to push me into it. Saying if there is nothing to treat then there is nothing to treat. Fine, yes I agree. But, i already no the board is gonna probably railroad me. I fight for myself a bit. Due to the fact I have zero financial means to pay for any of those board approved providers programs (8-25,000 dollars uninsured). I find somewhere in my town that is a non profit and works on in a sliding scale. I leave a voice mail to the lady who has been over my case (not Ms. Monitoring but the facility lady) telling her about this place. Miraculously she "gets it approved". Awesome....I'm going to be able to get through at least this step. I got for my eval at this rehab here in town and upon initially meeting the counselor she asks me what brings me here. I tell her about having been sober for 3 yrs and was honest on my application for licensure. She looked at me incredulously and started laughing! I complete her assessment and she tells me that she cannot suggest I do the IOP (that the Board has told the facility lady that got this place approved that I MUST do-after their facility saying no recommendation for tx and a doctor going as far as to say it would be unethical). She said she would approve me for a one day a week MRT (?) Group. But that was the only thing she would do (giving them something). She kept adamantly saying to approve/accept me for outpatient would be UNETHICAL.

I'm scheduled with her to start next week. I expressed to get my deep concern that this just wasn't going to fly with the board. That what they say goes-and I MUST do. But she was insistent. So now I fear (although not having signed a contract) that the board will come at me with wrath over this and will take this facility off the table as an option. But im really hoping at worst they just tell this lady no I MUST do outpatient and she puts me "where I belong". I mean I am not doing anything wrong here.... I think it is crazy that all of these well educated, licensed addiction specialist are saying no need for tx and to force me into it would be unethical yet here I am.... and in fear of repercussions of their expert opinions. But, **** they are all right. I'm just here for the ******* ride. Cheers.

Indeed. I worked part time waiting tables while going through the nursing program. The business shut down after I completed program. I had worked there for five years and thought the timing was perfect and everything was falling into place. I continued going to school, trying to knock out classes for my ADN, and even for classes that would transfer to my bachelor's at uni. Then the crap hit the fan. Here I am going on seven months later. I have been fortunate to have lived with my mother since having my kid and going to school (finally worked up courage to escape toxic and abusive relationship) and she encouraged me to just go on with my studies while all of this was going on. After I got hit with the "you're going to have to complete a rehab program" I dropped my next registered semester. And I hadn't acquired a job because i really felt frozen about my options because I had no idea wtf was going on. Now that I do have a grasp, I regret dropping the semester....but I can now look into getting some kind of gainful employment seeing as this will be my life for the next 3 months and while I'm monitoring I don't know of any local programs that will accept me. Naturally, there was no insurance to begin with. Heck, there was barely any income. All of which went toward the 500 a month in childcare to get me through a nursing program. This experience has derailed everything I had going in motion.

Ps: I heard my mother talking about remorgaging her home to make what ever happen for me. Which tore me up. This woman makes a little above minimum wage and will have to work until she is physically unable or dies. The thought of her doing that after recovering from bankruptcy herself several years ago broke my heart and I would have refused to have let that happen. Although as a mother myself, i get it.

My evaluation stated the same, but I knew what the BON required and found an IOP that was free! I have found in my 2+ years in this program is to do what they say and fly under the radar as much as possible. The place I found here was called Terros. They dealt mainly with very poor (financially) individuals in the court system, so I felt a little out of place, but it met their requirements, so I did the time. Can't say I gained much from it other than it met my requirements. So maybe try to look up free addiction rehab for CPS or drug related crimes.

thankfully, terros was board approved. Upon rereading your post, perhaps there isn't one in your state, but it may be worth a shot.

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