Keck Hospital of USC RN Versant Program August 2014

U.S.A. California


Hi everyone!

Let's start a new forum for August 2014 USC new grad program.;)

Has anyone applied and what units did you applied to?

Any thoughts?

Good luck!

They asked me one, but keep in mind this is in regards to OR and my interviewers were different than the one that you will get. You will probably have the Versant project manager, 2 of the units nurse educators, and the manager of the unit. They asked "How do you feel about not receiving gratitude from a patient, or putting all your effort on a patient that you will only care for a few hours?"

I answered that by first giving them an example from my experience. I explained how I work in an ambulatory surgery center, and experience short term stay patients. I explained how i've dealt with patients who received medications that were amenisic, and could not even recall the procedure much less the care I provided. I finished by stating that nursing is a very rewarding field, we all draw our motivation from different places. Luckily my reward or my feeling of fullfilment, does not come from external gratitude. Rather I take pride in my work, and put effort in all my patient care from the first pt to the last, despite the length of time I spent with them.

But they will also ask general questions like "What is your definition of commitment" "where do you see your self in 5 years"

Thank you so much for those tips! The part about Keck's mission and values will be really helpful!

Hope to meet soon if I land the position =) Fingers crossed! Were you asked any situational questions or was it mostly a general personality interview?

We created a facebook group for this particular cohort. If you got a job offer, feel free to join so we can communicate, and meet one another and network with the people that we will be going to class with for the next few months, and be working with for at least the next 2 years. Contact one of the members to be added, please let us know what unit you got an offer for!

Search for USC Versant Cohort 13

i interviewed for the norris oncology unit also but forgot to ask when decisions would be made. does anyone who interviewed know when we can expect to hear back regarding decisions?

I am not sure when Norris will find out. I interviewed for 7N and they said we will hear back by Monday.

Getimmaaw: Thank you so much for the tips! They really helped ease my nerves a bit. I just came back from my interview and I thought it went really well! Hopefully the next call I get is an offer! Crossing my fingers! Also, I don't have a facebook anymore. Is there any other way of staying in touch?

Getimmaaw: Thank you so much for the tips! They really helped ease my nerves a bit. I just came back from my interview and I thought it went really well! Hopefully the next call I get is an offer! Crossing my fingers! Also, I don't have a facebook anymore. Is there any other way of staying in touch?

good luck ! It's just an easier way I guess. It's funny, people either haven't been given offers or called or are being secretive that they got offers hahah. There are only 4 people so far.

i interviewed for the norris oncology unit also but forgot to ask when decisions would be made. does anyone who interviewed know when we can expect to hear back regarding decisions?

Hi @aspiringRN22 what day did you interview? I heard people are going to start hearing back from units on Monday.

I just got a call to interview for the OR training program. Odd thing is that just a few days ago I received a letter saying they were going to pass on my application. So now I waiting for email confirmation, but its been over 4 hours later. I'm wondering if they called me by mistake or rejected my email mistake. Any thoughts. I'm definitely going to call them in the morning.

I just interviewed on the 17th at norris. it would be great if we started to hear back on monday but I am now sure if they have more interviews to conduct at norris this week or next.

Same here Matt except I did get the interview email after I called and left a message with HR. I thought it was strange to get the automated email a few days prior. I plan on booking a flight soon since I have the interview email...sure hope it is not a mistake. :nailbiting:

Seems like all is good. I just got the confirmation email. At least for confirming the interview. Best of luck to you!

Anyone hear anything back yet that interviewed this past week? (

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