Kaplan Pre-Nursing Entrance Exam

I wanted to share with others how I studied for the Kaplan Pre-Nursing Entrance Exam. I took the exam in October and got into my nursing school for Spring!!!

My grades on the Kaplan were:

Overall Score = 81%
Math = 93%
Reading = 82%
Science = 60%
Writing = 86%
Critical Thinking = 81% (not a section on test, but they give you this score based on how you answer questions)

I studied for a month doing practice questions everyday for about 1-4 hours a day. I was in school as well (and worked), so I would have to set time aside to study for this exam. The more questions you do, the better you will get. Do not get discouraged if you get many wrong as you are studying because I found that the test was a lot easier than the questions from the Kaplan practice guide.

The Kaplan Pre-Nursing Entrance Exam book gives you way too much that you do NOT need to know. The test is broken down into 4 sections with certain topics that you need to know.

Math: Conversions, Operations, Ratios, Word Problems (28 Questions in 45 min)***

A calculator is provided which appears on the screen.

Personally, the Kaplan book for me was completely useless for the Math portion. I liked using the NLN RN Pre-Entrance exam book (I had the book already from another test). But if you do not have this book, please review how to do proportions, adding, subtracting, division, multiplication, converting fractions to percent (& vice versa), adding & subtracting fractions, multiplying & dividing fractions, converting percent in decimals (& vice versa), mixed numbers & improper fractions. There was NO metric conversions on the test so don't worry about that. The word problems on the test were fairly easy and were proportion related for example: 75mg of a drug is prescribed and the medication is available as 100mg/mL, the nurse would have to give ______? To solve set up a proportion and cross multiply, then divide (answer = 0.75mL). One book that I did find extremely useful for the Math is Math for Nurses a Pocket Guide to Dosage Calculation 8th edition, I bought it on Amazon for around $8.00 and it really breaks down Math to make it easy to understand if you are having trouble. (I did chapters 1-4, they are really small chapters and perfect practice for this test.) You can also use it as help for your dosage calculations class we eventually must take.

Khan Academy and YouTube helped tremendously also in breaking each subject down.

Reading: Determining logic of a passage, Comprehending details, Drawing basic inferences, Identifying the purpose of a passage (22 Questions in 45 min)

I absolutely hate reading comprehension and I was surprised on how well I did. You must do as many practice problems as possible and really analyze why are you getting the question wrong. READ the question and ask yourself what are they asking for? I would read the question first and then go to the paragraph and look for answer. The Kaplan guide was okay for the Reading portion, but any other study guide that has reading comprehension will do fine. I almost ran out of time on this section and guessed quickly on the last 2 questions (please never leave any unanswered).

Science: Cardiovascular system, Electrolytes, Gastrointestinal system, Immune system, Neurology, Renal system, Hematological System, Homeostasis, Respiratory system, Sensory system (20 Questions in 30 min)

I was disappointed with my science score as I consider myself good at science with A's in A&P, chem, and biology. These questions on the test were not fair in my opinion and some I felt were nursing based. Anyway, I used Khan Academy and YouTube reviewing each subject. ***Please know: blood flow through heart, air flow through lungs, what system controls homeostasis, digestive system organ functions, what are the 3 components in the body water is held, where oxygen exchange occurs, primary function of circulatory system.

Take each system and write out what are the key functions of each. (Kaplan book again was useless in my opinion.) NO chem, NO biology, NO anatomy on test, ONLY physiology!!

Writing: Assessing passage development, Assessing paragraph logic, Assessing mechanics of writing (21 Questions in 45min)

Again another frustrating section for me and the Kaplan book DOES NOT have any practice questions on writing which sucks so I had to figure it out on my own. This section is hard to study for, but as I was doing the test I would ask myself does that make sense? I think I got lucky on this section. ***Please know: comma placement, apostrophe placement, subject verb agreement (reviewed on Khan Academy and YouTube).

Questions on the test also asked to place sentences in the paragraph which was confusing, I am going to place a link to a site that has a few practice questions that helped me with that.

W:LIT-1 | SAT Suite of Assessments

Overall I hope this helps anyone who is going to take this exam. I used a binder to keep my study materials together, whatever works for you. Take small breaks as you study and create a study schedule to help with time management.

Remember practice, practice, practice and you will be fine. Do not give up, if becoming nurse is your dream you will do it!

Your post was sooo helpful. I took mine in May 2017 and did HORRIBLE!! The English and Math were my worst!! Science was my best. I got around an 85% on that section. My school (BMCC-CUNY, NY, NY) only allows 2 attempts to pass this test to be considered into their nursing program. The passing score is 65% though no one has ever gotten accepted with that score. I've noticed that most scored in the 70s. I think I scored a 55%..ugh..that day is a huge blur to me now..so sad!! All my hard work which included many remedials I needed to complete first. I decided to change my career later in life. This is something I've always wanted. I'm now 50 years old. It all came down to that one day in May and I bombed. If you can please, let me know what books helped you with the English and Math section. I will do my second and last attempt in May 2018 so I have approximately 5-6 months to prepare. Any studying tips would help too.. Bless you!! BTW ..my GPA is just shy of 3.7.

Any algebra or metric conversions? Do you recommend the GED Kaplan book to prepare for the writing section?

You mention that you did lots of practice questions. What resource did you use for the practice questions?

Where did you find your practice questions you used?

Dear mepraytobecomeanurse, I am in somewhat a similar place as you with a bit of a different story. I can empathize and was curious how did the test go in May? Are you in nursing school now? Many blessings on your new career whatever you choose and chooses you. trust along with putting everything you have into succeeding is all one can do......and thank you finallyrndreams for your post. It has been the most helpful for me so far along with some resources I found in a community college in Virginia....https://78bbm3rv7ks4b6i8j3cuklc1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/kaplan-nursing-entrance-exam-preparation.pdf

Thank you so much for posting this, you put me at ease I’m taking the test this month. Super nervous I had taken the ati twice, but thank you so much!!! Good luck to you and congratulations on passing and getting into school !!

Took the test December 4th, and got an 87. (96% math, 100% reading, 70% science, writing 76%). Just got the acceptance letter for Spring.

I agree that the Kaplan study guide is a bit helpful, not for math, but reading section. The reading practice is more difficult than the actual exam, but was helpful. For the science section, I studied my old A & P powerpoint slides, but focused on the circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system (CNS, PNS, ANS, and their main functions (homeostasis).

Math is proportions, percentages, ratios. For example, patient needs to receive 20% more medication after having received 16 oz. What is the correct additional dosage to give? Answers were 2, 4, 3.2, and 3. Correct answer was 3.2. Or how do you express 320% in decimal form (3.2)?

The science section in the Kaplan study guide gave you basic summaries, but the questions on the exam drilled down more. Know respiratory system, circulatory system through heart, lungs, and where body fluids mainly are. One question was what happens to your arteries with chronic hypertension. Answers were asking about the different layers of the arteries ( intima, media, adventitia, etc.) and how it affects them. Where does oxygen exchange occur? (alveoli). Another was what system is more sensitive as people age? What is the main function of the circulatory system (deliver oxygen)? Another was what would happen if your peripheral nervous system was stimulated? Good to know the difference between "fight or flight," and "rest and digest."

The writing section was difficult for me, and I consider myself to be a fairly decent writer. Where does this sentence belong? What sentence is repetitive, and not necessary?

Hope this helps.