Kaplan nursing entrance exam

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, im preparing Kaplan test for NCTC nursing program Fall 2011.

Actually, i have stuck with studying this test, and i dont know how i can study this test.

I was reading through the reviews of this test, and i got a question.

There are total score and critical thinking score.

I do not know what is the critical thinking score for...

Is there anyone who can explain it to me??

My school... Last semester's cut-off was 71% on total and 81% on critical thinking score..

Please let me know what critical thinking score for.

Also, if u guys have some stratege to study this test, please share me!!!

Hello, I am preparing for the same thing. I really don't know how to study for this test either. I applied last semester and was an alternate. I used the study guides made nearly perfect scores on the practice exams and then the test was not even in the same format for some of the sections! The questions on the test were very random for the Anatomy and Physiology portion. The other sections were not as easy as I expected them to be either. Hopefully this test is a little easier. I know the critical thinking score works like this though. Lets say the test is 100 questions, they will throw a small number of "Critical Thinking Questions" in there, lets say 20. These questions are harder than the rest. They give you two scores, how many correct quetions out of 100, and then how many correct questions out of the 20 critical thinking ones. I hope this makes sense!

Good luck,


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